Rezultati najdeni: 1611
Nobody ever liked this strategy, this thread proves it, it is so boring to play the game with just 1 unit!!!
Despite having our differences, Waffel is right. idk why people are having a go at Waffel for saying valid things.

Yesterday you couldn't make games for 10 hours, no one could play because the server would not allow you to fucking make games. Something needs to change, either Dave starts careing about the game again or he sells it, not much else to see to it. And, if Dave wants to care about the game again, maybe he can start by unbanning some people who were critical of him, because after all atWar is a business and having people banned in a game that is every day more inactive is pointless.

2 months ago I stumbled upon a screenshot i took 2 years ago, that showed that there were 200 people online. right now if we get to 120 on a saturday at peak times, its a fucking miracle. the game has been dying since i started playing, I remember Agel telling me the game has been dying since 2015. There are always new faces, right now those are Puma, Cheetah and Tiger, but with every so called "generation" they become smaller and more people quit.

I understand that dealing with comp players like myself is a pain in the ass, but that is because we worry about the state of the game. I personally have been struggling for time to play the game, and that applies really to most comp players. But in 2019, when i was starting comp, I could log in like 1 hour and a half a day and I could play 1 or 2 3v3s. And on weekends I could play a world game with 15 players, now getting to 10 is a stretch, which is a sad because i don't really enjoy those types of World games with few people, i like the frenetic action

I wasn't even planning to write this much, it just came as I was writing. Just some of my thoughts.
Prispeval PaIm, 15.03.2025 at 12:54

Prispeval Guest69699, 15.03.2025 at 12:21

World map, scenario
UTC+6 Gunea
i wanna be cum the greatest like no one ever was

hi 4nic

Prispeval Guest69699, 15.03.2025 at 12:21

World map, scenario
UTC+6 Gunea
i wanna be cum the greatest like no one ever was

hi 4nic
World map, scenario
UTC+6 Gunea
i wanna be cum the greatest like no one ever was
15.03.2025 v Love everyone here
Except the shitty administration ofc.

hope ure all good :3
15.03.2025 v Why does Atwar die?
Prispeval Columna Durruti, 05.03.2025 at 10:56

Lao banned?!
Waffel on Alt.
Some truths in what Waffel says. Not all.

Yes, "not all" because people got banned for 'defaming' some who were already widely unwanted as staff by EVERYONE. So many discord svs with old conversations (that couldn't be censored by AW staffs) where it's more than evident there was unanimous decision of rejection having those people on the staff. It is the equivalent of me being randomly promoted to modship (while being unwanted by others, of course) and then Dave banning those who speak against me. Same shit except I'm just on the wrong side of the coin, and u Columna- always on the wrong team too, sry to say
15.03.2025 v Why does Atwar die?
Prispeval Waffelo, 05.03.2025 at 09:20

One year has passed by and almost nobody in this thread really mentioned the actual big elephant in the room: THE CURRENT ADMINISTRATION.

Everyone knows it is the problem- people communicate via many means outside of these forums. The point it's being posted here is to try bring in some sense into the administration. Even when they delete the posts, they can see them afterwards (Just proved it to you by restoring a deleted post), but unfortunately nothing changes.

His head supporter is range abusing and cheating in most likely more games than other abusers have cheated in. Doesn't that tell you enough?
15.03.2025 v Why does Atwar die?
Prispeval Dave, 16.08.2024 at 17:24

If I were to pick the one thing that would help atWar the most, it would be an AI to play against. First-timers don't have the patience to wait for games to fill, or else they get into games with players who grossly outmatch them and get killed instantly. Either way that's no fun, so no wonder people leave. An AI player would completely solve this problem and allow people to get into the game more easily.

How are you going to add an AI if you've been in charge since 6 years ago, and haven't even improved the tutorial besides descriptions? Look on the first page of this thread- where there is a post saying essentially the same thing. Saying things without shame now I guess...
15.03.2025 v Why does Atwar die?
Prispeval Laochra100, 28.02.2025 at 05:19

Nice thread, and barely anyone here actually identified the real reason the game is in the state it's in. Marketing and the games nature are only contributory factors. The game is quite niche. Yet in spite of this it retained players loyally for 10+ years.

You want the real reason this game has come to this point, the reason nobody here has the balls to talk about? It's name is Dave.

The simple fact of the matter is that nobody wants to play an oldschool browsergame ran by some bully dictator with a victim complex. I called it 6 years ago after experiencing Dave's behavior when he bullied me off the game and then lied about why I was banned. I played this game consistently for 8 years and even spent 2 years as a mod. What exactly did I do to deserve being erased?

There's a reason all the old clans like MK, Illy, Aristo left and never really came back after being active for years. They saw how things went down

Numbers don't lie, Dave does. He arrived in 2019. Bullying, broken promises and lies are his legacy. This game hasnt changed since Ivan/Amoks time in any tangible way, 6 years and what do you guys have to show from his ownership?

The fact is it doesn't matter if this game gets an AI. It doesn't matter if Dave spends 1 million on marketing. Nobody is going to want to play this game while he is admin. It doesn't take much to trigger him. I'm sorry but this is just the reality.

Prispeval Dave, 16.08.2024 at 17:24

In my opinion (and I think I've said this before) the "comp community" is just not that important. When I researched this in detail a couple years ago, I found that the comp community is very vocal but very small part of atWar. The vast majority of our users was, and still is, first-timers and random users passing through. However atWar has an incredibly low retention rate, so few of those stick around.

I don't think getting rid of a few obnoxious players rises to the level of "alientating [a] core player base", and I don't think those few's "loss" has impacted our numbers in any significant way. Sure they made a lot of noise about it, but that was all it was -- noise. If you look at the numbers it's been one long continuous decline (except for a brief spike during Covid) from at least 2017 until now, and nothing I've done has been able to change that one way or the other.

If I were to pick the one thing that would help atWar the most, it would be an AI to play against. First-timers don't have the patience to wait for games to fill, or else they get into games with players who grossly outmatch them and get killed instantly. Either way that's no fun, so no wonder people leave. An AI player would completely solve this problem and allow people to get into the game more easily.

I find it amusing that in the poll above people voted for "no marketing". Those people must be completely unaware of the literally thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours we spent marketing the game, to no avail. Sure we got more raw traffic, but the retention just wasn't there, same as now. It was a tremendous waste of time and money, and will always be a waste unless/until something fundamental changes about the game (like the addition of an AI).

Oh well. We can still reboot atWar someday if/when time & money become more abundant for such an overhaul. Until then, it is what it is.

Whatever delusions help you sleep at night Dave. The November Fiasco thread you deleted had 50+ players telling you what they wanted. That's no minority with this games daily activity levels.

As was pointed out to you, you never understood this game's culture. You never understood what attracted players and made them stay so loyally. And this comment just highlights how little you think of your longterm players once theyve paid their premium fee.

Even from a buisness perspective, the market told you what it wanted and you ignored it.

Do me a favour, never buy a game i play again please.

Fucking Asshole.
Ban waffel again
Look at all these motherfucking soyboys having a go at me, xaxaxa

Roai honey, please take your meds. You know what happened last time you went off them..
Prispeval sirivann, 10.03.2025 at 21:02

Waffel always posting gay shit.... Some things never change :xaxaxaxa

7 years ago I reckoned he couldn't get any gayer or more useless. But the motherfucker did it. He actually pulled it off.
Try zooming in, and then also try the hotkeys, if you don't know about hot keys then you can do advanced search on forum, I think there will be results
Any good tips for walling like how many units how to make better walls?
12.03.2025 v .
Ah i must chose only one to play as
World Map, Europe, WW1, Ancient World
UTC+3 Türkiye
I want to play regular games, duel and to improve my game ofc
Waffel always posting gay shit.... Some things never change :xaxaxaxa
10.03.2025 v .
10.03.2025 v .
Hey is there a good way to play imperialist guerilla?
Thanks! @4nic
Fuck this guy who is this waffel guy
Can we bring back waffel
Saw in another thread that someone's map was reset to an earlier safe. Would this be possible with my Battle for Hoenn map now? Pretty please?
Any area on world map
Central Daylight
For more sp
Just insp... wait I dont want to get the ban hammer
No 1 asked?
Keep hating IHY though hue
Put it to sleep.
Inject the anesthesia and lay it to rest.
The game is done.
The friends we made are gone
The memories will live on though.
Prispeval Waffelo, 05.03.2025 at 11:12

Prispeval Columna Durruti, 05.03.2025 at 10:56

Lao banned?!
Waffel on Alt.
Some truths in what Waffel says. Not all.

Unfortunately the list doesn't end there..

Back in 2021 a lot of us were either banned, deleted or wiped off the game for no other reason than simply stating our concerns and speaking up when a lot within the community were afraid to do so. The aftermath of this resulted in a lot of close friends, clanmembers, rivals, or just people with actual morals, that saw all of this happen in front of their eyes, backing out and leaving the game, eventually resulting in the current state this game is in, unfortunately..

Luckily I wasnt there when it happened because i would of spoken up and got banned too lol

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