30.05.2013 - 22:44
M.A.R.C.H stands for Mankind Against Reich Created Hemisphere Coalition ranks: Private Corporal Sergeant Staff Sergeant Lieutenant Captain Colonel General First Star General Second Star General Third Star General Forth Star General Fifth Star (BAStrike) Rules of Coalition: 1. Show respect to everyone, if others show lack of respect then do the same, ignore. 2. Do not make or hint towards racial or sterotypical remarks or comments including jokes, suggestions, personality, and racial specs. 3. Do not spam the chat with crap. We are better then this. 4. Sharing information from our coalition is forbidden, I expect complete confidentiality from each and every member about our internal affairs. 5. We are a team and we must act like one. Betrayal is not an option for us. 6. Each member needs to put our coalition logo in their signatures on the forums at least but having your profile pic as the coalition's logo is also permitted. 7. Stay up to date on our forum post. It will be under Coalition wars. 8. You need to participate in recruitment to help us grow in our community. It will be tough but finding the right players will not be found via advertising but rather playing with them and studying their tactics and testing their loyalty. In all else, lets M.A.R.C.H! Coalition Slogan: If evil reigns, we shall M.A.R.C.H!
---- I'll haunt you, Don't tempt me!
31.05.2013 - 07:15
I thought it was just for recruitment? this isn't for recruitment its for members to get up to date information about coalition
---- I'll haunt you, Don't tempt me!
31.05.2013 - 08:47
1. There is no coalition M.A.R.C.H 2. Your coalition ranks make no sense there are only 3 positions, Member, Officer and Leader. 3. Is this for your coalition forums? This really has nothing to do with "recruitment".
Johnny Račun izbrisan |
31.05.2013 - 11:17 Johnny Račun izbrisan
How can it be in his coalition forums when the clan doesn't exist? lol.
31.05.2013 - 17:57
Mankind Against realm/kingdom/empire. Created Half of the earth yeaaaaaah. You haven't thought this through at all.
31.05.2013 - 21:20
Lol of course you people tend to be immature. First of all mod, It's not official. I need to get 10k sp to start it up and need like 4k more to reach that goal. Secondly, if you don't like the coalition or the rules then don't waste your time posting on here it's obvious that you don't like it. Thirdly If I didn't think it through then I wouldn't have everything I put at the top of the post. Also now that I know there are only 3 ranks which is dumb by the way I will keep that in mind. I ask my members to put a logo on their signature or profile because it represents us. And finally this one is directed at Flatulence, Do you know what Mankind Against Reich Created Hemisphere even means? maybe before you put your two cents in this you should consider the dictionary. That will be all folks, if you don't like it then don't post on here simple as that. if you wish to waste your time go ahead I won't be responding to anymore of it because its nothing but immature crap especially how immature the mod was to state the obvious in a rude manner. Oh and Mod this forum post was moved by SuperiorCacaocow into here so do your research before you assume that I put it in here. Good luck folks.
---- I'll haunt you, Don't tempt me!
Johnny Račun izbrisan |
01.06.2013 - 10:00 Johnny Račun izbrisan
Only because you put it in the Coalition Wars forum, lol.
01.06.2013 - 23:20
Then close it if it's not suppose to be here then mod, You don't have to be rude about it. Wow atwar mods are quick immature I'm surprised that you are a mod. None the less go ahead and close it I don't care. The only thing people and mods are doing on here is hating my coalition because it's not Officially made. That is quite immature and this game is over populated with immature people. I was not once rude to people in this thread I only stated my opinion which I'm entitled too. I state that you're all immature because it's true and go ahead and state you're not immature I won't waste my time arguing with you all. So close it and be done with this. Seems that coalitions on this game sucks due to lack of freedom and respect and it lacks the ability to make custom ranks and it lacks ranks in general. Only 3 ranks that's pathetic. This game could do better.
---- I'll haunt you, Don't tempt me!
02.06.2013 - 01:19
Ignore the haters, make your clan the way you want it to be either with custom ranks for the members, or whatever that comes to your mind which is not hurting other users in the game... PS: SuperiorCoCow is not mod
02.06.2013 - 02:19
Just let the man be and let him have his fun with his custom ranks and coalition that doesn't exist ... YET! You guys are just showing him every aspect of what is wrong with At-War community at the moment. to BA -> Good luck with your clan, mate. You'll get there eventually ![]()
02.06.2013 - 03:36
Seems legit. And BAStrike, no one had commented on this with an immature attitude. You just created that in your mind. The forum you posted it at, Coalition wars, is used to plan coalition wars. So it is normal that some were confused about what your intention was. Also they only wanted to clear you of your false knowledge about the coalition positions. Now, THIS forum is used for recruitment, so a threath where you explain why people should join your clan. Maybe you should edit your post and add that it is not created yet and you accept all ranks, so come join us etc. (It was only moved here, because we don't want threaths in the wrong forums, so it doesn't become a mess.) When your clan is made, there will be a special forum for your clan, where you can post all about your clan and goals as well. I'm not sure if you posted this here on purpose, where everyone can see it or you thought that this was the the forum for your coalition ![]() I'm not hating on you because of it, don't take this the wrong way. You're not familiar with the forum, that's all. And that's why I wrote this, so that you know for the next time. Good luck with your clan! : )
02.06.2013 - 10:39
I understand what your stating but yes there are people been immature on here, scroll up and look at who mocked my Coalition name. He said "You didn't think this through". He's calling me an idiot when I was not been one at all. Minding my own business people had to just but in and try to trash my coalition. Meester was rude for the way he stated his points. He could have been nicer about it. Now you're stating that I created that in my mind? I think your delusional no offense but I have already pointed out two rude comments. Again I'm not trying to be rude with you but I realise that there are only 3 ranks and that's fine it was the way they said it was rude. Also maybe some people were confused but it seems to me that the only thing I see on this post was people trashing my coalition including mods. Seriously I posted this post under Coalition wars because I had no idea where else it would go. Superior moved it into Recruiting but it's not meant for recruiting at all. Don't take it to heart dude but I'm not delusional so next time please check this forum over and re check it until you can notice the intentional rude trash directed towards me and my coalition. Sure its not official and I did edit my message to state that it's unofficial after noticing that it was not there but that didn't stop people. None the less I don't want to talk about this crap anymore, do what you have to do and close it. Clearly coalitions are not big on this game and I rather not run one with a game filled with immature people. Despite the good ones out there playing atwar the immature ones will ruin it for everyone. Anyways thanks for trying to help me and yes I'm not familiar with the forums in some sense but people were been immature, you just have to look over this post again. Check out the ones I've pointed out. Anyways ttyl mate BAStrike
---- I'll haunt you, Don't tempt me!
02.06.2013 - 11:59
At least someone posted on cw forums since noone else posts here.Instead of bullying low ranks maybe start cw ing more.Support bastrike!
02.06.2013 - 13:39
implying you do have one, why don't you join his?
---- ![]() [pr] Commando Eagle: duel? [pr] Commando Eagle: i have to regain back the lost elos and gain extra as punishment for rush ![]() ![]()
02.06.2013 - 14:43
You still didn't answer my question, why don't you join his
---- ![]() [pr] Commando Eagle: duel? [pr] Commando Eagle: i have to regain back the lost elos and gain extra as punishment for rush ![]() ![]()
02.06.2013 - 22:27
I didnt state the whole game was pathetic i just don't like how the coalition system works. But if you are the creator then why don't you prove it because your account doesn't show it. Besides the point i doubt the creator would be immature so if you really are the creator then please act like one considering i paid for premium and im a customer to you so just remember that customers have rights. Also if i want to run an unofficial coalition then so be it you cannot stop me from doing so.
---- I'll haunt you, Don't tempt me!
03.06.2013 - 01:10
C'mon Cow, don't you have anything to do than just argue with everything you see on the forums lately? Let the guy be. Everyone else supports him, why the .... can't you ?
03.06.2013 - 17:06
Whatever you just like them. It's not imaginary just because it doesn't exist on your site. If you limit reality to this game then your living in a fantasy world. A coalition can be made with or without this site so wake up from your imagination world and see the world for what it really is. Also there were a few people who supported me on this and they are one of the few good players on this game and there are still more out there. Anyhow Goblin is right making a coalition on here is a waste of sp. i will run a coalition without making it atwar official. Just think you sound like a tyrannical government who has to have it their way. Remember this you can't do anything to stop me from running it unofficially so good luck
---- I'll haunt you, Don't tempt me!
04.06.2013 - 01:34
Your plan seems flawless, but there is still 1 slight thing involved ... not many players will join an unofficial coalition just because there are many features that you can't have without having an official one. 1) no personal clan forums 2) no CW's
04.06.2013 - 02:34
I think an unofficial coalition is.. a fun way of expressing yourself. Still, i don't see anyone actually joining and really there's no reason to. Most people would rather join something that exists and can be used In-Game rather than something that it only talked about until you gain your SP I'm not shooting down your hopes and dreams, mate, I'm just saying many people will NOT like it and will NOT join because there is no logical reason IMO your rules are a bit unreasonable. Asking everyone to be 100% loyal and not talk to anyone about what happens in your Coalition is completely unrealistic. There's no reason for loyalty to something so.... small, and unimportant. No offense. Also your slogan doesn't make much sense if you implement the acronym M.A.R.C.H
---- "All he does is smoke pot, jerk off and play that damn game" ~Michael Townley.
04.06.2013 - 11:43
Well thanks for your advice Raton I figured that not a lot will join but my coalition is not meant to be big, I just want to gather a small group of people to basically play and have unofficial CW battles. The rules are unreasonable and your right I will be removing some or most of them. In the mean time I can easily make a website with a forums just for the coalition. I have done that before when I ran guilds on World of Warcraft. Anyhow thanks again Raton BAStrike
---- I'll haunt you, Don't tempt me!
05.06.2013 - 09:22
Well the coalition is official on ATWAR now! Now no one can complain and troll about it been unofficial. besides I have nothing to spend my sp on anyways.
---- I'll haunt you, Don't tempt me!
05.06.2013 - 14:18
>I have nothing to spend my sp on anyways. Sorry, you will see you are mistaken quite soon. Don't get me wrong, in the end it's your decision, but it would be better for you to join some already existing cln, rather than making some low grade cln.
---- ![]() ![]() 扶桑帝国のために
05.06.2013 - 21:22
Thanks for your advice but i won't need it.
---- I'll haunt you, Don't tempt me!
29.06.2013 - 11:54
---- не смотри где я - лучше смотри где ты
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