19.05.2012 - 14:11 ONLY POST YOUR TURNS IN THIS THREAD. CHAT HERE. Rules: 1. No ridiculous events (EX: Macedonia nukes Russia and has babies with Sweden) 2. No racial events (EX: Anglo-Saxon Billionaires purify dirty Celts) 3. No war without tension (EX: China declares war on USA for no reason lulz), you have to make tensions with a nation first, and have good reason. 4. No Armies at the start of a turn, and attacks at the end. You must build an army first, then you may use it next turn. Everyone starts with a small one (6 uses) 5. No ridiculous military ideas (EX: Solar cannon that shoots frikkin' lasers). Info: -To conquer, you must dedicate 2 events to it. 1 to say you invade (can invade up to three at a time), and 1 to accomplish. Must be at least 3 months apart if neutral, 1 turn apart if player-owned. -To build an army/navy/air force/marines etc, you must dedicate: 1 turn for armies, 3 for navy, 5 for air force, 7 for marines. -To increase your population you must have positive opinions from the people (you start with a pop of 1000). Dedicate events to fun things or public outings to increase opinions. You start with 50% opinion, and every turn you do not do something for the people you lose 10%. Every time you gain 10% your population increases by 1000. Every time you conquer a territory it increases by 1000, but you lose 10% opinion. -You have 3 free cities you can build in any province at the start of the game. After that, you must dedicate 5 events (1 per turn) to build one. It must be named and have a population of at least 1000. Note: This is an experimental system, after the first 10 turns we will review how everything seems, and add or take away rules/info. Admin(s): -Gardevoir Standings(map): (Please right-click, and "open in new tab" to view full map) http://i.imgur.com/hH1Jy.jpg
19.05.2012 - 15:06 -1. Gardevoir, Barony of Läncerien-
Events: Year: 2020 Janu - Barony of Läncerien established in the ruins of Tri-county, Michigan. Baron is Gardevoir. (50%, starting OP) Febr - The people form their own militia and attempt to recover surrounding Windsor ruins , Bay ruins, and Kalamazoo ruins territories. (+10% OP) März - Village of Royale designated the capitol. (~) Apri - Government set up as an Exclusive democracy, headed by Baron von Gard (+10% OP). Mai - Projects for recovering a Navy, an Air force, and marines begin. (+5% OP) Juni - Attempts to recover Windsor ruins continue, Kalamazoo ruins recovery halted due to barbaric tribals, Bay ruins territory recovered. (+1000 pop) Juli - Nothing to report. (~) Augu - Nothing to report. (~) Sep - Kalamazoo tribals attack Royale county, 100 people are killed (-100 pop) (-25% OP) Okto - Officials dub the tribals "The Low-river culture", after discovering their main settlement at the delta of the Kalamazoo river. (~) Nove - Windsor ruins territory recovered. (+10% OP) Deze - Festival held in Royale to celebrate a year of survival. (+10% OP) --- Population: 2900 OP: 70% Power: Small Counties: 3 (Royale, Bay, Windsor) Cities: 1 Ruins: 2 ![]() --- Player 2, RoodyMcnipples1's turn is next.
19.05.2012 - 19:38 Player 1, Roodymcnipple1, Provisional Republican Irish County of Kerry. 1st year
Janu - Due to the recent succession of Irish lands to Protestant communist liberals due to the second potatoe famine, the people of Kerry begin a new revolution in the woods of Killarny Febr - In the name of Catholicism, the new Irish army begins its conquests into County Cork, the southern Protestant stronghold. (+10% OP) März - In light of the news of rebellion, the people of Galway and Dublin begin a resistance. On the 17 of Marz marks the start of the new Irish land and is celebrated with bouts of heavy drinking and lots of sex (+20% OP) Apri - Cork has been rid of Protestants. This month has proven to be very successful. Now that the Rebellion is in full swing a council is created to govern the 3 new counties of the Emerald Isle. (+3 lands in Cork, Dublin, Galway) (+ 3 cities and Lands) Mai - Tragedy has struck the land of Eire. The new County of Dublin has been ransacked by savages from Wicklow. The Guinness Brewery was burned to the ground. Moral among the Irish is low and fleeting. (-30% OP) Juni - In order to spur the growing economy, shipyards have begun being built in the City of Cork (+10 OP) (+1 to navy) Juli - Due to recent prospecting, massive reserves of Steel Alloy have been found in the Dingles Penisular. The Council has ordered a grand navy be built in the name of Kerry (+20 OP) (+1 to navy) Augu - Shipyards have finished the first domestic ship, the Long Éireannach Kerry, a battleship the size of the USS Iowa. (+1 to Navy) Sep - Shipyards in Limerick, Dingles and Dublin finish 3 more battleships. The LE Cork, LE Dublin, LE Galway. Okto - The Irish celebrate Oktober fest. Prussian citizens may have been spotted within the streets of dublin. Reports are unconfirmed though as Great Fuhrer Learster has yet to contact the Irish (+5%) OP Nove - Another batch of destroyers have been completed at the Irish shipyards bringing the Grand Irish Navy of Kerry to a staggering 20 ships Deze - Plans are drawn for a super carrier. Also the council has drafted and signed the Constitution of Kerry, officialy naming the new nation as the Provisional Republican Irish County of Kerry (+5% OP) PRICK New Cities- Galway, Dublin, Cork (also counties) Navy- two fleets of 2 battleships and 5 destroyers Population- +30 OP = 4000 people Power- More than the protestants Player 3 Clovek30 is next ![]()
---- All our yesterdays have lighted fools the way to dusty death. Life's but a walking shadow a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more. It is a tale told by an idiot full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing
20.05.2012 - 02:33 Clovek30, Fuso Empire
Events on Year: 2020 Janu - Due to past critical incidents, the current system of Japan collapsed and new ones were formed, one of them is Fuso Empire, whose emperor is Clovek30 (50%, starting OP) Febr - The empire decides to renovate infrastructure in Yokohama, giving people new jobs. (+10% OP) März - Decent amounts of money are invested in building new mine's, sawmill's, farming areas, which boost empire's economy (+10% OP) Apri - People vote and decide for Constitutional Monarchy (+10% OP). Mai - Yokosuka Millitary Base starts to build 5 navy ships. (~) Juni - Threats from neighbouring regions Edo and Urawa are received. Yokohama mobilizes ground army with which they attack Edo. (~) Juli - Urawa deploys small army in Yokohama to sabotage most of city's structures (failed, but alot of civillians were killed). 250 causalties. (-250 pop) (-25% OP) Augu - After a Long fight Edo falls to Yokohama's Monarchy. (+1000pop, -10%OP) Sep - Second mobilisation begins in Yokohama. This time army goes on conquest to Urawa. (~) Okto - After Yokohama's incident in Juli, Yokohama's armies got will to fight. Urawa falls without much difficulties. (+10%OP) Nove - 5 navy ships in Yokohama are complete. They are the size of the ship Yamashiro (WW2) (~) Deze - Large Reconstruction of infrastructure begins in Edo and Urawa. (+10% OP) --- Population: 3500 OP: 65% Power: Small Counties/Regions: 3 (Yokohama, Edo, Urawa) Cities: 1 (Yokosuka) ![]() --- Player 4, Counterpart is next.
---- ![]() ![]() 扶桑帝国のために
20.05.2012 - 14:10
Counterpart, Dongivafuk Events on year 2020 Janu - Dongivafuk is establish on the Island formerly known as Tasmania, Idunno is named capitol Febr - Counterpart is elected Prime Minister of the newly founded Nation, constitution is written (+10% OP) März - A Harbour is built on the northern peak of the island Apri - The construction of 3 ships commissioned, that along with the harbour creates new jobs (+5% OP) Mai - Nothing to report Juni - Construction of the ships is complete, a festival is held to honour the crew of the ships that will be sent out to explore (+5% OP) Juli - Three ships sent off, one to the north (ship 1) , one to the east (ship 2), one to the west(ship 3) Augu - ship 1 lands in the ruins of Melbourne, survivors found, establishment of settlement begins (+5% OP) Sep - Ship 2 lands in southern New Zealand in the ruins of Invercargill, no survivors found, establishment of settlement begins Okto - Discovery of new lands is announced Nove - 2 new ships are constructed to send supplies to the new colonies Deze - ships are sent off to new colonies Population: 1500 OP: 75% 3 Countries 1 City 2 Ruins ![]() Player 4, LilDGoinIn is next
---- This doesn't really say anything, it's just a space filler while I try to come up with a better signature.
20.05.2012 - 15:02
LilDGoinIn, Jamaica Events on year 2020 Janu - LilDGoinIn rises to power in Jamaica Febr- Jamaica pends takes about annexation with Cuban and Hispanola Territories März- Southern Province of Cuba is Annexed into the Jamaican Empire (Gains +100 population) Apri - Middle Province of Hispanola Annexed into the Jamaican Empire (Gains +100 population) Mai - Province of Haiti denies to be annexed bringing tension to Jamaica (-20 OP) Juni - Jamaica trains JDF forces Juli - Training of JDF forces begin Augu - Harbor in Kingston is ordered to begin Sep - Jamaica offers friendly relations to Barony of Läncerien Population: 1200 OP: 30% 3 Countries 1 City 2 Ruins ![]() next persons ![]()
---- I like stuff.... Yay?
20.05.2012 - 19:50
Fruit, PLJSL year 2020: (I won't be doing those dumb months, sry I speak english) January - PLJSL is Established in Kandy, to liberate the lands of Sri Lanka and protect the Tamil people(is tamil group get mads ok) (+50% starting OP) February - PLJSL proclaims all of Sri Lanka their rightful land and releases propaganda to get the population behind it. (+10% OP, +land claim of Sri Lanka) March - PLJSL starts the Liberation Initiative recruiting and arming local men. (+500 militia) April - PLJSL attacks Northern Sri Lanka to get a coast (-10% OP) May - PLJSL builds farms in lower Kandy, to feed the populace. (+10% OP) June - PLJSL attacks eastern Sri Lanka straining it's small military even further (-10% OP) July - After 3 long months Jaffna has fallen, all soldiers are sent east to help with the eastern front. (+1000 pop -190 militia) August - PLJSL begins recruiting soldiers in the northern territory, the population is reluctant to help the PLJSL but they still get some recruits. (+250 militia) September - Tribal attack from the west strikes Kandy, 100 innocents were killed. (-100 pop -10 OP) October - Eastern Sri Lanka is conquered, due to having two wars at the same time the casualties are higher than usual (-220 militia +1000 pop) November - to Rebuild the country PLJSL constructs trading ships in northern Sri Lanka to trade with Southern India (+10 OP) December - PLJSL declares overall victory throughout the year and makes December 31st the day to remember fallen soldiers who fought to reclaim their homeland. (+10% OP) Population: 2400 (460 militia) OP: 60% Power: Small Countries/Regions:3 (Central Sri Lanka, Eastern Sri Lanka, and Northern Sri Lanka) Cities: 2 - Jaffna, Kandy ![]()
22.05.2012 - 14:05
Learster, Prussia year 2020: January: The devastated people of Berlin once more step up to rebuild their nation, this time to do it right under the guidance of old Prussian virtues and by the name of it (+50% op) Febuary: As a first act, a two year conscription service is established and an army being formed (-10% op) March: The 1. conscript regiment is formed and it's six companies and one battalion are assigned to recover lost land, namely Oberhavel, Barnim and Märkisch-Oberland April: Despite reluctant first, the people of Berlin cheer their soldiers as they march out to reunite the country once again (+10% op) May: After the city was utterly destroyed, a new house building programme is being deployed (+10% op) June: First news from the outskirts suggest some heavy losses for the 1. conscripts, they are confirmed as injured soldiers flood the cities hospitals (-10% op) July: Despite that Märkisch-Oberland is taken and annexed into Prussian territory (+1000 pop) September: In an act of sabotage, the local brewery of Berliner Kindl beer is blown up, which strikes a heavy blow to Prussian morale (-10% op) October: In these hard times without beer, the Irish invitation to their Oktoberfest helps to cheer up morale again and is considered as an ambassador of goodwill and faith (+10% op, +5 rep for the Irish) November: In fierce fighting, Barnim is taken (+1000 pop) December: The strategic plan for the year 2020 is completed by the annexion of Oberhavel (+1000 pop) Population: 4000 OP: 20% Power: Small Countries/Regions: 4 (Berlin, Märkisch-Oberland, Barnim, Oberhavel) Cities: 1 - Berlin ![]()
Lfc YNWA Račun izbrisan |
23.05.2012 - 12:26 Lfc YNWA Račun izbrisan
Sorry Gard, after a while i recognised that Im not going to be as active in these few days so im guessing Yoba can take my place. I havent got much time doing this. Sorry but RL is more important then AW.
23.05.2012 - 15:33
YOBA, HJE Year 2020 January - The United Kingdom is destroyed at last after a rather traumatic time when a mad scientist made all the nukes the country owned blow up. The government did little to help, and soon collapsed along with the whole rotten structure. Historiography focuses on how disunited the Kingdom was in at least the foreseeable future. The people of Norfolk have to make their way in the world alone, doing what they do best; inbreeding, farming and commanding navies. The soon elect the illustrious YOBA to lead them who makes an E/B/IN speech about his plans for peaceful co-operation with neighbouring provinces and working together to end the anarchy in England (+30% opinion). Life goes on as normal. YOBA assumes the role of Emperor and has unlimited power (opinion unaffected because YOBA is zee greatest). February - Inbreeding policy instituted, causes some dissent among people who do not originally hail from Norfolk (-20% opinion). March - Carrow Road is ransacked by the men of Ipswich, the people come from all corners of of Norfolk call for conquest! April - YOBA successfully persuades the people that domestic affairs are more important. Inbreeding policy extended and all marriages in which the two partners have less than an 1/8 DNA relation declared null and void. Exodus of non-Norfolkers (-200 population), but government is praised by the locals for its determination and successful policies that led to a complete homogenisation of Norfolk (+10% opinion). May - The men of Ipswich (which some have said are former citizens of Norfolk that decided to leave in face of "oppression", whatever that means) tear out turnips of farmers in South Norfolk as a sign of protest. More calls for organising an army, some farmers take up arms to defend their land. -10% opinion due to the government's perceived inaction. It is said that some rebel groups have begun taking hold. June - Two families taken hostage by the savages of Ipswich, YOBA begins organising an army and builds a small navy from scrap metal. Initial tests fail and a few old guns are lost to the sea. These delays cause the HJE to lose 10% opinion (so the government is back at 50% support now). July - the illustrious leader hosts a massive party on his birthday with some brand new up-and-coming trance artists (+10% opinion). The event where the magnificent YOBA himself jumped on a navy's artillery and pretended to ride it is well-remembered. Former counties around Norfolk are jealous of its glamour. Apart from being an awesome party, it was also a display of the HJE's military strength. August - The navy bombards Fortress Southwold and the pier sinks easily, causing many civilians to lose their lives. Though the artillery the makeshift Imperial Navy is packing is not powerful enough to bombard so far inland, the brigands in Southwold surrender out of fear and are spared and offered gifts and service in the HJE's farmer corps (+20% opinion due to this benevolent attitude). Soon after, Ipswich falls with little to no resistance. (+945 population--55 died in the conflict and the refugees had to integrate, mandatory loss of -10% opinion) September - Statistics show that 2020's rapeseed oil harvest was a grand success! Farmers from bombed-out and ever-chavvy Essex grit their teeth, accept our policies, and flock to Norfolk province, giving us +300 population. October - YOBA finalises his grand plans for education. Apart from rudimentary reading and writing skills, school generally revolves around practical skills, particularly to do with farming and animal care knowledge. There is also an emphasis on the need for more (in)breeding so Norfolk can grow and so everyone will come to know the Norfolk way of life. Some army men express concern, but YOBA points out that with more inbreeding ultimately comes greater resistance to diseases, which will lead our armies to glory with minimum supplies needed. The programme is popular among the majority of the Empire's population, giving the Habsburg Jaw Empire +10% opinion. November - Essex is descending into complete lawlessness. The great YOBA finishes his tour of Suffolk and is most impressed with the results of his policies regarding a general return to agriculture--not just a "green revolution". Some people are beginning to promote the idea that the HJE is on a civilising mission and needs to pacify Essex and London, a yet unexplored frontier. December - A very difficult winter has hopelessly upset our plans for expansion, but no population is lost to starvation or illness due to government policies and the Empire's demographic makeup which have led men to be real men, and be able to survive in difficult conditions. A great feast is organised and people party like it's 1999, forgetting completely the (very nuclear) winter they just suffered. The people of the HJE can feel divine favour, improving opinion by 10%. Final statistics for year 2020: Population: 2245 • Opinion: 90% • Provinces: Norfolk, Suffolk • Cities: Norwich, Ipswich Teeny-tiny map: ![]()
Sorry bro, just made my own. It's for your own enjoyment, you aren't really meant to get other people to step up for you!
---- YOBA:
Youth-Oriented, Bydło-Approved
24.05.2012 - 16:28
Napide,NGRP Events in 2020 Janu - after realizing the was no goverment left anymore,the ppl in tehran choose to create their own country with it's capital in Tehran ofc(50% starting OP) Febr - the new country is named New Green Republic of Persia(NGRP) and it's a total democracy (~) März - the new gov organizes the countries armed forces and secures the borders so ppl feel safe at night(+10% OP) Apri - economic and industrial centres are built across the country,creating new jobs for the population(+10% OP) Mai - a constitution is passed by referendum(+10% OP) Juni - one night,hostile armies from karaj and mazandaran provinces attack the new republic,despite heavy loses,republican forces manage to push them back(-300 pop,-20% OP) Juli - Republican armed forces,who want to take revenge for the attack of last month,invade the province of karaj(~) Augu - almost all of karaj's forces were killed in the assault on the republic,so it falls qiet easily(+1000 pop,-10% OP) Sep - mazandaran is invaded shortly after the victory in karaj(~) Okto - the battle in mazandaran is harder than in karaj,but the republic emerges victorious again(+1000 pop,-10% OP) Nove - after the last 2 victories,the parliament starts attempts to create a new army,airforce and navy(+5% OP) Deze - Roads and highways are built for better transportaion(+10% OP) --- population:2700 OP:45% power:small cities:1 provinces:3 ![]()
27.05.2012 - 11:02 Round 2
-1. Gardevoir, Barony of Läncerien- Events: Year: 2021 Janu - Second raid on Kalamazoo begins (OP -10%) Febr - Tribals numbers are much lower than thought (OP +5%) März - Raids on Mackinac, Toledo, and Cleveland begin (OP -30% Apri - Kalamazoo recovered, Toledo found to be a barren wasteland and quickly recovered, Cleveland is all ruins, Mackinac is wilderness (Pop. + 1000 / OP +20%) Mai - Food shortage occurs throughout the Barony (OP -10%) Juni -Ruins of Kalamazoo and Mackinac hold many supplies, program to transport them and make colonial settlements begins (OP +20%) Juli - Cleveland is finally recovered, easily (Pop. +1000 / OP +20% / New settlement, "Cleveland") Augu - Power status is upgraded from "Small" to "Local Power" (OP + 20%) Sep - National currency introduced, "Gil" (OP +5%) Okto - Mackinac secured (OP +10%) Nove - Colonial settlements put up in Mackinac, Toledo, and Windsor (OP +20% / New settlement(s), "Cheboygan" (Mackinac), "Monroe" (Toledo), "St. Faroe" (Windsor)) Deze - Final day of the year celebrations and New Years go off extremely well (OP +MAX) --- Population: 6000 OP: 99 Power: Local power Counties: 6 Cities: 5 Ruins: 0 Wastes: 1 --- Player 2, RoodyMcnipples1's turn is next.
27.05.2012 - 12:35
Working on it^ [ iwill edit my turn in]
---- All our yesterdays have lighted fools the way to dusty death. Life's but a walking shadow a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more. It is a tale told by an idiot full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing
31.05.2012 - 14:18
And this still active?
---- I dont understand why people says that Full Package is too expensive: http://imageshack.us/a/img854/6531/fzhd.png "I... Feel a little dead inside" -Gardevoir
31.05.2012 - 14:23
I'm waiting for roody. i was planning to skip him on 1st of June (:
---- ![]() ![]() 扶桑帝国のために
31.05.2012 - 14:29
I was going to say "Clovek, just go", which I will now. Roody will be skipped, Clovek's turn is next.
31.05.2012 - 16:56 Clovek30, Fuso Empire
Events on Year: 2021 Janu - Attacks on Utsinomiya are started (~) Febr - Ships from Yokosuka millitary base are in motion to attack Chiba (~) März - Utsunomiya is conquered - unpopulated (~) Apri - Chiba is conquered (-10%OP,+1000 Pop.) Mai - After Attacks on Chiba, remainder of units are sent to Shizuoka. (~) Juni - Yokosuka creates larger investment in making an army - 250 units (-5%OP) Juli - Shizuoka falls. 300 casualties. (-15%OP, +700 Pop.) Augu - Construction of infrastructure begins in Chiba and Shizuoka (+15%OP) Sep - Due to recent millitary succeses, Fuso granted a golden 2week holidays for most of workers (+15%OP) Okto - Shimizu(Shizuoka) and Fujioka(Utsunomiya) Cities are built. (+20%OP) Nove - 250man Army is built in Yokusuka (~) Deze - Fuso Empire seeks an alliance, thus tries to contact Barony of Läncerien. For now we seek trade and technology alliance. --- Population: 5200 OP: 70% Power: Small Regions: 6 (Yokohama, Edo, Urawa, Shizuoka, Chiba, Utsunomiya) Cities: 3 (Yokosuka, Shimizu ,Fujioka) ![]() --- Player 4, Counterpart is next.
---- ![]() ![]() 扶桑帝国のために
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