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Objave: 2   Obiskan od: 12 users
26.08.2015 - 10:48
Hey Everybody,

While At war till today ran totally fine on my PC (I had no disconnects so far) since today everytime I join a game the same thing happens: After a few seconds in game the screen freezes, then my browser says somethin about silverlight slowing down my pc and shortly after I'm disconected.

Can anybody tell me, what the reason for this problem could be and how I may fix it? I would be grateful.
26.08.2015 - 11:16
today i have also that in my casual games, they freeze after a few seconds when i join.
"AtWar-game.com" does not react is what i see most of the time on my Screen when i want to click someting in the game and than again and agin Connection lost....

When i reconnect the same things happens again and again.

Seems that the new Servers are very busy or lagy?

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