Zaslužiti nagrada skrivati vsi oglasi
Objave: 2   Obiskan od: 19 users
16.04.2017 - 00:49
Račun izbrisan
The idea is simple.

For low ranks farmers or alts not to grab the general trophy anymore I suggest splitting the seasonal ELO ranking into two categories.

rank 0-7(or 8)
rank 7(or 8)-15

Also the trophies should have a bracket with the type of trophy. (Low Rank) and (High Rank)

p.s. In the last mmorpg I played, all the tournaments (there was no ELO there) I played were divided into 3 categories (max. level was 105) low, middle and high. In this way everybody had a chance to win a reward.

Amend my suggestion bellow, please.
Please, don't spam.

Current situation:

16.04.2017 - 03:27
This isn't csgo that you have over 100k players
"****swans is just torturing me like when uou caugh an insect *when you caught an insect and starts to pull
out from him their body parts****" - IHY

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