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16.09.2013 - 11:17
I'm just asking because I thought they did but have heard otherwise.
16.09.2013 - 12:35
I'm not sure. The casual room doesn't work. We thought of starting in the quick room & changing the turn duration on turn 1, but haven't tried it yet.
I'm Mike & I like stuff.
16.09.2013 - 15:54
Try opening a casual cw game, you can, you also see other peoples games in there, it's like an exclusive casual club to those who know about it XD.
17.09.2013 - 09:57
17.09.2013 - 10:14
Those other games in the casual CW room are only normal games. Not CWs. The option to CW is available, but when you click it , it tells you to go to the CW room. I've tried :'(.
In the quick CW room you can only set the turn duration to a max of 12 minutes. I'm hoping that it can be changed to 12 or 24 hours once the game has begun.
If anyone plays a CW could you see if it is possible to 'Propose Change' to 12 or 24 hours from a quick CW? Please
I'm Mike & I like stuff.
06.11.2013 - 18:11
FYI, for anyone searching this, casual CWs now work. We are playing one (EU+ 3v3) at the moment against United Power
08.11.2013 - 13:49
Prispeval Goblin, 07.11.2013 at 01:42

Oh yeah they work, they work so good ...if you have a country with huge reinforcments and you have 24 hours to make bilions of walls and shit

Just look at that game ...Grimm you devastated ukraine, with walls and moves you would never have time to do in 3 minu... oh pardon 4 minutes Cw's.
And your point being...?
08.11.2013 - 17:52
Prispeval Goblin, 08.11.2013 at 17:40
My point? point is you would be crying and bitchin right about now if you were ukraine. And your team mate has, if i do remember, UK fuck that CW k.

EDIT: fuck that CW
If you'd take another look at the game, you'd notice that United Power is winning (Ukr, UK & Spain). So no, if I were Ukraine, I wouldn't be crying at all. BTW, Ukraine didn't even try to break 1 of my walls & the reason why he was doing so badly was because he didn't have a good turn 1 expansion (took Belarus instead of St-Petersburg).
08.11.2013 - 18:24
Prispeval Goblin, 08.11.2013 at 17:40

Prispeval Grimm, 08.11.2013 at 13:49

Prispeval Goblin, 07.11.2013 at 01:42

Oh yeah they work, they work so good ...if you have a country with huge reinforcments and you have 24 hours to make bilions of walls and shit

Just look at that game ...Grimm you devastated ukraine, with walls and moves you would never have time to do in 3 minu... oh pardon 4 minutes Cw's.
And your point being...?

My point? point is you would be crying and bitchin right about now if you were ukraine. And your team mate has, if i do remember, UK fuck that CW k.

EDIT: fuck that CW

EDIT2: ma bad im drunk and pissed ...still casual CW is bs

Stop talking shit goblin.
Being drunk is no excuse.
08.11.2013 - 18:50
Račun izbrisan
08.11.2013 - 22:49
No worries Goblin

BTW, I think this CW we are playing might just be the 1st casual CW game in AW history

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