14.10.2014 - 01:04 Rules: The UN 1. UN1 maintains jurisdiction over Eastern Asia, Australia, The Americas, and East Russia. UN2 has Europe, Western Russia, Western Asia, and Africa 2. Players are allowed to start a vote for anything, UN cannot stop voting and if a majority of the players vote then UN must accept it (You cannot start a vote to declare UN rogue unless they have violated a rule that applies to them). 3. UNs have the right to take away nuclear silos from nations if the majority of all nations agree that the nation is too dangerous to have a nuke silo. 4. If nukes are used and have been banned by the UN, the UN may declare the player rogue, but the surrounding nations can decide if UN intervention is needed or if they can handle the rogue nation by themselves. 5. UN Cannot expand or take land, nor can they take resources for extra money. The only time a UN can take land is if the nation they're taking the land from is rogue. Once the rogue player is dead, UN must leave the rogue land immediately and the Swiss bank must auction it off immediately. The Swiss Bank 6. The way the Swiss bank works is that any player can borrow from the bank (The bank can deny access to rogue nations but it is not a requirement) The Swiss bank will make the amount of interest clear before the loan is finalized, and will keep track of the interest (Per turn) until the loan is payed off in full. The Swiss bank CAN deny a loan to a country that has loans still unpayed, if it feels that the player is trying to scam them. The Basics of Playing 7. No wars until turn 5 8. Before going to war, all nations must first get approval from their respective UN. Once they receive approval, they must declare their war to all nations clearly before attacking, or face a UN penalty for an unannounced war. 9. Threats are a legitimate reason to declare war, but you still must go through your UN, and they can accept/deny depending on how serious they feel the threat is. 10. Nations cannot enter another nation's airspace or territory without permission. A violation of this rule is grounds for war but the UN must still approve. This does not cause players to go rogue however if a weak nation cannot fight the other player who is violating their territorial rights then an allied nation can declare war. Optionally you can just kill the trespassing units after you warn them but you MUST give that player 1 turn to leave your territory before destroying their units or else that player can declare war on you. This rule does not apply to UN, it can pass through any territory so long as it is without malicious intent. 11. All **neutral** land at the beginning of the game is free for the taking, so go nuts. After turn 10, if neutral land still exists from the beginning of the game then the Swiss bank will auction it (For a reasonable starting price). If people leave and there are neutral lands, the Swiss band will also auction them off. 12. Attacking UN is Auto Rogue and you will most likely be annihilated. World War 3 13. If 70% of nations or more are at war (in the same or not in the same war) then World War 3 begins and ALL players are involved in World War 3 except UNs and the Swiss bank. 14. The UN cannot interfere with WW3, and nukes are allowed for everyone. The only thing the UNs can do during WW3 is protect the Swiss bank (Still functional during WW3) and watch the world burn... 15. Once there is only 1 player left (besides the UNs, and the Swiss bank) the UNs and Bank must surrender and let the winner bask in their eternal glory. Conclusion Thank you for reading the rules! Hopefully now you understand them better and will be able to enjoy the fun time that is a UN game! Anyone is free to use this ruleset for their own games, no exceptions. This is a heavily modified ruleset with this as the base: http://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=15435 I will probably be adding on to this in the future after a few test games. I'm trying to create a well balanced ruleset that prevents rage and helps people have fun (Provided three GOOD people are appointed as UN1, 2 and the Bank.) Any feedback would be appreciated, also, I would love it if nobody called me human cancer because I enjoy UN games. Lots of hostility towards them sometimes ![]()
Black Shark Račun izbrisan |
14.10.2014 - 03:33 Black Shark Račun izbrisan
Your rules are SHIT. Rule 3: Can be abused by allyfaggers. Rule 4: Why bane nukes when you can just decide weather nukes would be fair to use in a war or not? >swiss bank Just a useless, boring player. Turn 5: Are you serious? This is ATWAR. Turn 4 in RP is bad enough but Turn 5? The traditional UN rule is turn 3 (like RP a bit) Rule 11: Neutral land? This means the balance of the game can be upset and the game is decided more by luck than skill.
14.10.2014 - 10:45
Black Shark Račun izbrisan |
14.10.2014 - 14:18 Black Shark Račun izbrisan
1. ''Why let the smaller country get a free ride'' Holy shit I never thought like that ever. 2. ''Bane'' Crap happens 3. I DID give constructive criticism. 4. Have you ever played as Swiss before? Until you maybe put a rule for it so it can fight wars other wise it just sits on there butt doing absolutely nothing. And I've never seen much people take loans. 5. >Big country with big reinf takes more countries than smaller nation, or big nation threatens smaller nation for the neutral land. >big country has more money than smaller nation so they win the bid Overall 10/10 response its okay.
14.10.2014 - 15:07
Rank 3 UN rules best UN rules
---- Laochra¹: i pray to the great zizou, that my tb stops the airtrans of the yellow infidel ![]()
14.10.2014 - 15:15
14.10.2014 - 15:16
Hey, at least I based them on something from someone who knows what they're yelling about ![]()
Black Shark Račun izbrisan |
15.10.2014 - 01:52 Black Shark Račun izbrisan
1. You never said that Swiss had that power. And that power is abusable. 2. It's pure luck based weather that small nation gets good enough allies. 3. Also it's stupid as fuck not have every nation balanced. 4. My friends played as Swiss, they ca confirm it was boring. Question, is this for your own UN? >Says I'm butthurt >Twas a joke m9 ._.
15.10.2014 - 11:47
Most of these are just the normal rules, and side note, why are you making rules to a map that isnt yours and isnt played more than once every other week
15.10.2014 - 19:46
I plan to start doing a game every evening or so, I just wanted a place to link people when they ask me for the rules. Figured I'd attempt to make my own set ![]()
15.10.2014 - 19:55
Black Shark Račun izbrisan |
16.10.2014 - 01:15 Black Shark Račun izbrisan
So you make your OWN rules for a UN that you didn't even collaborate in? Lolwut? 1. Oh and, regarding Swiss Non-friends have also said it's boring. Just because you say it's not boring doesn't mean me and multiple people don't find it boring or that the role it's self isn't boring. 2. Yes, diplomacy is luck based, wanna know why? Different players pick different countries, and they have different plans on what to do. You cannot always be sure if your alliance request go through. 3. You mention small and bigger countries fighting over neutral from the start of the turn. 4. And it can be tricky to know weather a Swiss won't abuse his power, it can be not as obv as UN rouging.
16.10.2014 - 11:33
Black Shark Račun izbrisan |
16.10.2014 - 12:35 Black Shark Račun izbrisan
>Don't pick a tiny country then So we should start without all of the nations? >Swiss giving tons of land >being that obv >kek
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