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Objave: 8   Obiskan od: 33 users
21.03.2012 - 16:07
Hello. I'm on Linux (Opensuse 12) so instead of MS Silverlight, I have to use Novell Moonlight. The thing is that no matter which version I try, I can't load the game. I get the loading circle for a couple of seconds and then just a black screen.

Is anyone else playing on Linux?
21.03.2012 - 16:21
It's worthwhile to read the FAQs' you know

21.03.2012 - 16:55
Sniff sniff
21.03.2012 - 19:05
Microsoft should be blamed..
21.03.2012 - 19:42
Prispeval GlennMiller, 21.03.2012 at 19:05

Microsoft should be blamed..

Why? It's not their fault. Blame OP for using Linux if you feel the need to blame someone.
21.03.2012 - 22:08
Because microsoft shudve helped with moonlight or we can even play this on android systems
21.03.2012 - 22:17
Prispeval GlennMiller, 21.03.2012 at 22:08

Because microsoft shudve helped with moonlight or we can even play this on android systems

Then they would lose money. They would not help Apple, would they? Why would they help Linux? They are competing companies.
22.03.2012 - 07:38
Prispeval Omnis, 21.03.2012 at 22:17

Prispeval GlennMiller, 21.03.2012 at 22:08

Because microsoft shudve helped with moonlight or we can even play this on android systems

Then they would lose money. They would not help Apple, would they? Why would they help Linux? They are competing companies.

Linux is not made by a company. You have no clue what you're on about, do you? And there is a Silverlight version for the Apple Mac, by the way, which was created by Microsoft, not Novell.

Oh yeah, and Microsoft officially promoted Moonlight and handed over some source code. A lot of that source code was not part of its deal with Novell.

And they're not losing money. Because they're making a standard. Many web developers have switched to HTML5 because Flash support is weak on operating systems other than Windows. It is there in Linux and Mac, but still, it's slow and often buggy on those systems. You really don't understand the software market, methinks. For something like Silverlight Microsoft needs to aim for the widest adoption possible.

Web developers will only use it if it covers a large percentage of the market. Well sure, there will be the odd one here and there that will be an early adopted but Netflix for instance (which has switched to Silverlight) would be screwed without Mac support. They don't have Linux support and have lost tens of thousands of customers this way, so there you go. Microsoft is not making Silverlight to compete with Linux, they are making Windows to compete with Linux. Locking everything in won't help because in the end no-one would use their technology, and Windows' success is really down to the developers. As a platform it's easily the hardest to program on, buggiest, slowest and most insecure.
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