Bumchra kept the boys in line... now 4nics a leader, tengri was allowed to pass through our gates for a few minutes, and chill has a terminal illness... Like bruh I miss old man lao...
I would do anything to see him wheel through that door just one more time... if you are out there laochraboi we are praying you make a safe return to your assisted living facility where nero can take care of you...
I need some tux whiskey to drown my sorrows but I can get up cause my wooden legs ain't working and no one can fix me up....
Your pager stopped working..
A Lion does not lose sleep over the opinions of sheep
Tacent quibbus Italia noverca est
Lirbur: therapy for england claims of superiority
Lirbur: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWyvoWzq3EM
Lirbur: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_S8tP9wu2W0