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11.06.2018 - 14:55
Hello, I been playing this game for awhile now but the past few months I been in every evening. I have a solild understanding of the basics. The problem I been having is in teamplay. Going solo is walking into a bunch of cut throats. You work for 90 mins with same 3 allys and then they turn on you at the end when you did most of the work...blah blah. I can keep going on like this I guess but I prefer to work with people. So....I am looking for a not so serious groups of players who are on every night..most nights. I play 1-3 games every day and would really like to find a few people to have each others backs. Thanks...My name is Todd and it would be fun to meet some good people.
11.06.2018 - 15:18
Račun izbrisan
It's either u don't ally anyone, either u join a coalition.

Good training coalitions exists (elites, serious clan, apoc) or more sociable coaltions specialized in scenarios like aloysian guard, the empire etc...

U should apply to one of them.

Good luck
11.06.2018 - 15:35
Apply to amigos they are looking for members
11.06.2018 - 19:50
Prispeval Guest, 11.06.2018 at 15:18

It's either u don't ally anyone, either u join a coalition.

Good training coalitions exists (elites, serious clan, apoc) or more sociable coaltions specialized in scenarios like aloysian guard, the empire etc...

U should apply to one of them.

Good luck

Thanks for the mention but both those clans were made by ted, elites is defunct.
12.06.2018 - 04:23
Prispeval Prisonersix, 11.06.2018 at 14:55

Hello, I been playing this game for awhile now but the past few months I been in every evening. I have a solild understanding of the basics. The problem I been having is in teamplay. Going solo is walking into a bunch of cut throats. You work for 90 mins with same 3 allys and then they turn on you at the end when you did most of the work...blah blah. I can keep going on like this I guess but I prefer to work with people. So....I am looking for a not so serious groups of players who are on every night..most nights. I play 1-3 games every day and would really like to find a few people to have each others backs.

Yeah me too I searched a lot but there isn't
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12.06.2018 - 21:56
Prispeval Guest, 11.06.2018 at 15:18

It's either u don't ally anyone, either u join a coalition.

Good training coalitions exists (elites, serious clan, apoc) or more sociable coaltions specialized in scenarios like aloysian guard, the empire etc...

U should apply to one of them.

Good luck

Thanks for the mention!

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