10.09.2014 - 17:48
Objective 1. get the enemy flag and bring it back to your safe zone. Safe zones are the red or blue boxes with your team name inside of it. 2. Free your captured units from the jail Rules 1. Players will set up turn one. Only 50 units of Commandos or Guards are allowed on the playing field along with one Flag Bearer and one Goalie. 2. Jailed units can be freed by getting one or more units inside. Once you have achieved this you may then recruit and transport how many units you are currently missing from the field of play. 3. Jails are a place to remake units you have lost (So instead of being "captured" if one of your units are destroyed you make that same unit in your jail.) 4. You may only deploy units in your own safe zone. Safe zones are your teams color opposite from your jail. 5. Some units are meant to not be able to move or not move too much. NO BLITZKRIEG . 6. No attacking units on the opposite side of the field. Only acception to this rule is if you are attacking a unit or stack that has the flag. 7. Goalies cannot cross the mid field line what so ever. If this rule is broken it will result in an automatic point for the opposite team. 8. Flags can only be carried by the flag bearer. The flag must make it back to your safe zone. Once they are in your safe zone they cannot be taken back by the opposite team. If you get a flag back into your zone you get a point. 9. This game isn't suposed to be won my either side so once either person has captured 3 flags the game is technically over. Unit Purposes 1. Guards are made to defend your side of the field. 2. Commandos made to invade enemy side of the field and clear the way for the flag carrier. 3. Flag Carrier carries the flag......................durp 4. Goalie is meant to be the last line of defense against an attack. Friendly Tips 1. Dont bother attacking the jail cells. security guards have 100 def 100 hp 100 crit 100+ against goalies 2. You only have one goalie. it has 100 attack and 1 defense and is a stealth unit. Use it wisely
10.09.2014 - 20:35
Implemented or "just" an idea? How? What are the winning conditions? ![]()
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11.09.2014 - 08:39
Support for flags that need capturing and returned to your home base.
11.09.2014 - 13:51
These are the rules to a map I made. I just didnt finish it when you saw it
13.09.2014 - 22:17
Great Idea, hope you can implement it into the simplistic atwar system of map making
21.09.2014 - 09:45
How to implement this interesting idea? Still remains to be answered. Surprise us!
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27.09.2014 - 03:02
You steal my mind :p : Example : http://fr.atwar-game.com/map/?id=4251 (already created)
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