02.06.2015 - 11:11
Hello, i'm interested more in ancient CW's than the regular EU (KT west) and i'd like to share some experiances about the best starting places in Ancient. 1, Best Starting Places: North Egypt, Syria, Babylon, maybe Arabia Central in midwest. Rome, Campania, Cartague, Macedonia, maybe Athens in Central Mediterranean area. Central Gaul, Central Spain, South England for west Europe, maybe Mauritania in north Afrika to counterattack cartague expansions. Scythia (for agressive expansion), Venedae (slvas heartland) or Vikings in North Europe. 2. Strats. For me in the countries i named before, the best strat is PD. So i saw a OP Cartague or Rome as being IF (in premium players) or Blitz for agressive expansion. 3. Usual Enemies. The usual enemies in a 3v3 Ancient could be: Cartague vs Rome Gaul vs Spain Gaul vs South England South England vs Spain Egypt vs Macedonia Egypt vs Syria Syria vs Babylon Babylon vs Egypt Vikings vs Some german Some german vs Slavs In my personal view, the best ballanced 3v3 in ancient could be in one team, Egypt, Rome and Gaul and in other Syria (or Babylon), Cartague and Britain or Spain. If you have more tips for ancient, pls post here. regards.
02.06.2015 - 11:47
Hm... if you're talking about real cws (3 vs 3), you're making huge mistakes... - Best picks: macedonia, sparta, syria, campania, cartage (Thapsus), lower egypt. You could add Rhodos, Pontus, Arabia, Mesopotamia or Phoenician to this list depending very much on the situation, but that's it. Other than this, they're not as good as the first ones, not even by far. Rome is no use, too expensive. Babylon the same. Athens < Sparta. England, Spain, France, Vikings, Russia and Germany are useless, too far away from good income and fights. Mauritania < Numidia and this one is a bit risky against a Cartage since it doesn't have special units. - Best strategies: PD and IF, no doubt. The only other strategy that could be used would be GW, I wouldn't suggest playing blitz in ancient unless your opponent is a noob. You still got something more to learn from ancient XD
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02.06.2015 - 12:42
Just killed some "famous" europlayers in Ancient as being Babylon PD. It depends of the player.
02.06.2015 - 13:02
Famous europlayers? Such as... who? XD which famous ancient player plays that?? Babylon PD < Syria or Meso just because of it's initial prize. It doesn't depend on anything else.
---- Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you. We're all people. ![]()
02.06.2015 - 13:53
Well, if you dont expand good in start it could be a problem. So in lategame the income saves you and u can spam PD infantry with no limits.
02.06.2015 - 14:01
If your opponent is not a noob, he will pick close to you, in Meso or Syria as I already stated, so no, Baby is usually a bad choice. Syria and Meso also have a good enough income.
---- Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you. We're all people. ![]()
02.06.2015 - 20:31
Macedonia most op country ever, because it have 6k starting funds and 10/10/12 special units (att/def/hp). After Macedonia, it is Carthage (trapsus) due to expansion possibilities... but many countries like Sparta and Campania aren't that bad either.
03.06.2015 - 09:28
Anything north of Latium is sucky. even to up above Italy in a duel is considered noob to me.
03.06.2015 - 22:28
Now i'd like to screen some Op expansions, when i have time i'll do some.
04.06.2015 - 00:30
Play us in ancient CW!!!! When are you able to? everyone plays eu, the ancient cw scene needs reviving
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04.06.2015 - 01:00
Not babylon ever ever ever Nice thread though !. Spain can work fine in cw to kill carthago quick and control west
---- Only the Braves
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