16.02.2014 - 22:22
Go away, please.
---- "Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one"
16.02.2014 - 23:32
17.02.2014 - 04:07
Nothing can truly measure skill in this game, because this game is way to diverse. elo only works for chess, because chess is standard, everyone plays the same move, and share the same strengths and weakness. the only way you can test skill is play on a map just like a chess board, and i actually happen to make such a map just for that purpose in mind. however, even that said, it still not an absolute test for skills. you will have people who specialize on one gameset, but have no skills on other gamesets. so what is skills
19.02.2014 - 00:50 We have some noobs and we play CWs. We also practice 3v3s. You're right though in that most of the time we end up facing more experienced players (including some of those you mentioned). I find it strange that less experienced players are not active on the CW scene. It's one of the most exciting parts of the game. What's stopping noob clans from CWing each other?
19.02.2014 - 02:13
Elo (or other systems, like TruSkill for xbox etc.) works for many other contests, any time there are winners, losers and points awarded. You may be right that the game has too much diversity to allow fine measurement of skill, but I put the question 'what is skill in AW' in another thread because skill is a word used by all, but not yet well defined, and one shouldn't start measuring until the thing to be measured is defined.
19.02.2014 - 02:22
Question: If you have two sets of players (f.e. Rank 12, 11, 9) playing another set of players of the same rank, and they play several games (say 10) and the same team wins repeatedly, wouldn't we say that set of players is, at least as a team, more skilled at winning than the other team? Isn't the point of relating to ranks to level, where possible, upgrades and experience, to make the contest a competition of 'skill'?
19.02.2014 - 05:13
Yawn, Tito actually more CW's are played now then ever before. As I said before it is up to new players to step up to the plate if they WANT to, nobody should be forced.
19.02.2014 - 05:41
lol Tito please learn your facts. Over 16 clans have cwed. some arent shown because they won none CW's this season, like JNA. http://prntscr.com/2tvmgi , if my pic isnt showing. that it. http://prntscr.com/2tvmgi
---- "My words are my bullets."-John Lydon Spart is love
AlexMeza Račun izbrisan |
19.02.2014 - 09:50 AlexMeza Račun izbrisan
I doubt that repetitively playing the "same", has to be considered in competitive gameplay. Scenarios are worse, don't you think? Scenarios have ALWAYS same picks, and it's always a matter of being a fag or not. Competitive gameplay isn't. You can literally do anything in first turn, it's not always "the same". "Training" newbies won't work at all. I have tried it by myself, what happened was, I got about 25 noobs who only play scenarios, most of them are active. What happened? I asked in cln chat if they are willing to learn or not. It was hard to make them use cln chat, and when they did, only a few (3) were free. I then made a FFA game, eu+ 10k extra cities, just to see how they play, something to start with. I went poland LB to make it kinda fair since they had good picks. One of them, "had" to go because his friends were asking him to play Europa Universalis. The other two, allyfagged on me (Yes, even though I said it was FFA. I forgot to disable alliances but they would probably still have done the same). Probably those were some random UN fags/kids, I got kinda butthurt because I dc'd 3 turns in a row, killed one, and then couldn't recap. I told them I had to kick them because they were unethical. Next, after the game finished, I kicked them, but they won't relog and they started to spam cln chat with insults, saying I'm a cry baby etc. Maybe it was just unluck, or I didn't pick the correct people, but this was just an example. Though, I'm pretty sure that something like this will happen next time. Also, I always typed with good Grammar and punctuation (I never do in chat ). You just don't get it, newbies nowadays are WAY too focused on nooby scenarios in which they get free SP and they don't need skills at all. It's a matter of being a fag/allying. You can go ask a few beginners, and they will all say that "diplomacy" is the most important part of the game. The real problem now with CWs, competitive games etc, is that Custom Maps literally raped it. Back in old school, there were more people interested. Playing the same settings in CW is not the issue in here, it was always like this and it worked fine before.
19.02.2014 - 09:53
Very good post. Imo Skill is the ability to ADAPT to any scenario or map, and win with the least amount of allies. If there was a random map generator that would be real tests of skill. Right now EU+ practice is not skill at all, just memorization.
19.02.2014 - 10:08
Dude. not only 360 players of AW are 3v3 players. The Scenario folks obviously out count us, but more than that number play 3v3. It's just because not many like cwing, or they're not allowed to cw in their clan.
---- "My words are my bullets."-John Lydon Spart is love
AlexMeza Račun izbrisan |
19.02.2014 - 10:17 AlexMeza Račun izbrisan
I haz 2 dizzaggreeee with the memorization part Maybe the first turn, but not the rest. People are not aware of the amazing power of YOLO.
AlexMeza Račun izbrisan |
19.02.2014 - 11:09 AlexMeza Račun izbrisan
WTF xD I was expecting something huge coming from you and now I see this, I lol'd. This has NOTHING to do in AW, first because this is a game not real life :l AW is not realistic in many ways. Second, because noobs allyfag to win, not because they think that's the right thing to do because of real life? :S
AlexMeza Račun izbrisan |
19.02.2014 - 14:35 AlexMeza Račun izbrisan
I'm not saying anything about allyfagging in normal games, that's unstoppable, and will always be. Though, I even forgot to disable it so it was worse. My point is, people nowadays are the classic "roleplayers" or whatever. They have no skills, and are unethical. It's pretty hard to find someone active and willing to learn.
19.02.2014 - 18:38
Not to oversimplify, but:
19.02.2014 - 22:23
I don't mind when people ally fag, and i respect that decision of winning by any means possible. winning by any means is survival, and people want to survive. Also, I never had problems with ally fagging, because a person is giving up resources for a tactical position, it places a lot of a trust into coordinating attacks, and 95% of the time, they don't coordinate well, and that how I crush them. If you had all the land vs. someone that has all the land, the units would be like 100 units vs. 100 units. However, allyfaging = 30 units vs. 100 units. then 30 units vs. 80 units. etc. High ranks who do this are either unaware of this fact (noob) or realize they don't stand a chance against a better opponent and desperately cling to life (smart). A pro at large map [world] or medium [eurasia] could be okay at small. vice versa. What really interesting would to see a cw 3v3, randomly assign a country. and see them play and win from that position. That a real challenge. You could do that using a random list generator. or play a different map that more balanced like a chessboard, thats real skill.
AlexMeza Račun izbrisan |
20.02.2014 - 08:56 AlexMeza Račun izbrisan
You're right there, but like I said, there are no more people willing to learn, whatsoever. Scenarios should be nerfed ((
20.02.2014 - 16:52
Perhaps you disagree with the implication, but certainly you understand the connection.
21.02.2014 - 06:29
Again, not to oversimplify .... A long long time ago,
one man's burning desire to forge a Greater Serbia led to the events which set off WWI. Another man's iron will brought Greater Serbia through WWII and eventual independence from the Soviet sphere. With that man's passing and the Soviet threat gone, as Greater Serbia fell apart, a third man's burning desire to hold Greater Serbia together, again threatened another world conflagration at a key moment in history. European and American leaders rightly feared everything from Mujahideen infiltration and Chinese intervention, to a humbled Russia striking outward during its own troubles. The connection is Serbia, Central Europe's powder-keg. The lesson learned was iron-willed Southern Slavs who pursue Greater Serbia at whatever cost are not good for world peace.
21.02.2014 - 19:02
Now you're just being disingenuous, which is fine for me, but not everyone is as aware of history. The first man was Dragutin Dimitrijević, not Gavrilo Princip. And you know this. The second man was obviously Tito, who got a Greater Serbia, and more. I would not want to play poker or chess against him. Pan-Southern-Slavic liberation *must include* Greater Serbia as a subset. He got both. And, again, you know this. Clearly Milošević was the third man. That his goals couldn't be accomplished didn't change his desire or his will to act. If the goal of the USA was to install puppet regimes worldwide, kill everyone, and steal their resources, really, what do you think the Germans, Italians, Greeks, Albanians, foreign Muslims and Chinese would have done in Serbia? Is the government of Serbia a puppet of the USA, denuded of resources, dancing to the American fiddle? Frankly I think NATO was duped by the KLA ... but they don't listen to me.
21.02.2014 - 19:07 Look guys, even jesus hates you all! You guys suck with all these long ass essays i wont even bother reading. Now for some lolz
---- "My words are my bullets."-John Lydon Spart is love
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