12.08.2018 - 10:09
I never said it's bad for you to express your opinion. I just think this whole discussion is pointless.
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12.08.2018 - 10:12
Exactly, I decided to retire because I felt I should. It's not my decision whether they should be demoted because they are innactive. I'm just expressing my opinion on this. I wouldn't do any harm either if I stayed, yet I felt I was doing the right thing for me. As long as they do no harm to the game it should stay to their judgment if they want to retire.
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12.08.2018 - 10:38
They do harm to the game from professional perspective. If I were a sponsor or wanted to be a partner of a gaming company the first thing among few things I'd look for is the activity of the staff. Active staff gives the impression the game is well taken care off by the admins. And in community perspective, there's the negative influence it has on the active mods who often choose to do nothing and not worry about it.
12.08.2018 - 11:50
if i can tell my opinions, and you think its pointless, let it be ill be happy with my thoughts getting out and you will laugh on how pointless they are, without commenting on them (wouldnt want you to waste your time on pointless discussion) ![]()
---- ![]() ![]() ![]() >playing atwar: ![]() Furthermore, I consider that NWE must be destroyed
12.08.2018 - 12:08
Lmao. The first thing a serious sponsor would look is the game's statistics. Fame, player data, progression and much more. Nobody gives a shit if the mods are innactive because once they get the game or not mods will change. Even if mods don't change, nobody still cares because if sponsors were to be interested it would mean the game would be doing good thus we would have great mods in both personality and activity (which we do). It's not like the game is left alone and not moderated. Community should better start packing up cuz I see no future, especially if the community continues to concetrate on the wrong shit.
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12.08.2018 - 12:36
I stated that "it's among few things I'd look for" not the main or the only thing, something that most sponsors with a common sense would do. As for the rest, your reasoning is bad and repetitive. No matter how many times I or another person explain why inactive mods affect active mods performances it won't change your mind, and you'll continue to respond with the same thing.
12.08.2018 - 13:30
Dude hdrakon stop thinking you're a god or smth. You have some brainless and lifeless minions following you and supporting along with your endless alts that have most likely ruined the experience of every mod that had to deal with your crazy double faced shitty and childish personality. You're not always right and this is a great example. I'm not backing off simply because you're arguements are retarted and meaningless. Get the funky idea of you becoming mod out of your empty head and stop bothering this game anymore. Grow up, get a life and I swear I'll support you at everything. I don't need any super arguement to point out the flaws in this so called problem the game has. It's one of the most stupid things I've ever heard.
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12.08.2018 - 13:39
I'm not thinking I'm anything close to a God, maybe if you stop assuming you'd realise you're talking nonsense, and insult people for no reason because of the weak arguments you make when you try to argue. I do have a life and I barely get on this game, the last time I logged in with another account on this game was over 4 months ago. You're a toxic person. You think you can insult anyone because you were a mod. And just to let you know I don't need your support in anything, keep your support to yourself, you need it.
13.08.2018 - 11:13
Do I know you? Have I banned and/or muted you? Do you know my modding job (record)? I recall a "discussion" we had on "memes"... right? Oh wait, you joined AW in 2015 and the forum in december 2016. Yep, this was the time when I stopped playing on my main account and ranked my alts to 9 (artsinis) and 10 (flaneur). Besides I reduced my job to forum reviewing (and "meme posting") and chat and game log reviewing to mute/ban "hatespeakers", "abusers" and "sp farmers". Ofc, also map and scenarios reviews and bans in case of farming maps.... but how could you know that if you "just" arrived late 2016 to the forum. I apologize that RL kept me from interacting directly (live) with you and other fellow players. Mods can't be on everything; we even had a discussion in mod forum on options for "issue specialization" among Mods: game log review, chat log review, map/scenario review, banlist review, in game (live) moderation, PM answering on particular player issues (loss of PW, harrassment by players, private data publication by other players), strategic orientation (aw rules, punishment criteria, new mod scouting, etc.), promotion (protocoin drops, competitions, etc.), etc. Just define well all mod actions; most of them are NOT visible to the larger player-base. ... and then wether a mod is active or inactive. Not being visible does not equal to inactivity. Actually populistic mods will always be percieved as more active; being it or not. Cheers mate.
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13.08.2018 - 11:36
Meester and columna were amongst the most dilligent and fair mods of their respective time(s). Their contributions are plastered all over the modforum and some are viewable by the public for those who care to factcheck before shitposting. You've no idea what youre talking about. It's irritating reading their names get dragged through the mud when theyre no longer active - especially by someone who's only game contribution is 214 shitposts to the forums. You want to complain about mods who have done nothing? Target madara. Then your complaints might have some substance.
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13.08.2018 - 12:58
That's what you think but I want to share my own experience with both mods. It's going to be a bit long but some people need to know the other side, the side who is being abused. So basically I was advertising a game and accidently used the global chat when I responded to a clan member, a casual message without any ill content. I automatically received a long mute. I asked meester if he's the one who muted me, he said he is and I wanted to clarify that it was an accident. I explained to him I accidentally used global and showed him a screen shot of the clan chat. He mocked me and said I should know what I'm doing because I just got back from a ban and then refused to talk any further and put me on ignore. It infuriated me so I decided to use the report function to reveal few of the lies he has been telling about himself in this game, like where he's from and what he does for a living. The only mods who were present were heat check and sun tzu. After few minutes I received a total ban on all my account and an ip ban. This ban was supposed to be "permanent". Banning me for over a year because I exposed his lies through report is justified? It's not. But that's what meester did. Not only that but also deleted couple of useful posts I made that same day where I explained about a bug and helped people who asked questions. After a year Crow asked Ivan why I am banned and Ivan said Meester explained he banned me because I spammed global with anti semitic messages for 3 days in a row. But how is that possible when I was unbanned just a day or two before meester banned me from Columna's ban that lasted for 4 months? And also why would I be an anti semitic when I'm a Jew? During this entire time I stayed away from the game. After a year and a half of meester's ban, which included another ban by meester a day after I was unbanned, despite the fact that some mods and admin decided to remove the ban, meester decided to ban me because he could, I was allowed back. 2 weeks later though he stopped logging in for over 450 days. He came back on just recently. This come-back didn't last for long though. I got banned immediately after Meester left by Desu, because he didn't like I had him in my ban list. He used meester's ban as an excuse to reinstate my ban. He made a single post in the mod's forum about reaching a censuses about my account, but he never bothered replying to the mods and then went inactive, which meant I was banned for another 4 months. I won't expand on it much because this post is now about meester and columna. Columna on the other hand banned my account plus IP banned me out of the blue in a random day without a warning. The reason that he provided was: "You lost your last support on this game. GG." I asked him several times after I was unbanned on different occasions why he's banned me, he never answered this question, I assume he banned me because of your and clovis' constant pressure that I've hacked the mod forum, something I have never done, and something that has never been proven. After 4 month I was approached by Lemonade on a different platform and he urged me to come back which I did, only to be banned a day or two later by meester. I'm not denying their contribution to the game. Columna has done a lot and contributed to the game and it's community in his early years, same can be said about meester to some degree (when they weren't copied stuff like the rules thread), but it doesn't dismiss the fact both have abused their power on certain people over the years. It's a fact. And I'm not the only evidence for that. With you however despite the hard times we had between us you never used your powers to abuse me. And I agree with you about madara.
13.08.2018 - 14:03
Banning you with a "You lost your last support on this game. GG." was a mistake. Should have banned you with a "Go fuck yourself; why have I defended you so many times from banning and even proposed you for mod position, just to be laughed at by other mods and admins? Why do you (correctly) denounce Anti-semitism in forum and chat and, at the same time, use a racist and discriminatory language towards othe players? Why do you always have to portray yourself as a victim and, simultaneously, push the limit of what is allowed and not in AW? Why can't you stay out of trouble? Why, being on probe, do you misbehave the way you did?" Why the fuck didn't we delete your account after your second perma-ban? Rhetoric question, no answer needed; no account should be deleted. My mistakes: (1) trusting you, (2) defending you and (3) banning you myself (instead of letting other mods doing it). But I had to do it; since I defended you in to many instances. You know that; you read it in Mod forum. What "other abuses"?
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13.08.2018 - 14:16
You trusting me and defending me wasn't a mistake it was a good decision. But I agree. You shouldn't have done it because you did what you did to prove the others you're against me and that's a bad judgement. And I can't read the mod forum... The reason why I was misbehaving and being aggressive with people on this game at that period of time was, first, because they wouldn't leave me alone. No matter how often I ignored them they wouldn't stop and this lasted for years and the mods wouldn't do anything about it. I couldn't take it anymore and responded to hostility with hostility. I may have taken it a bit far but it was well deserved. And second, several of the mods helped spreading misinformation about me that I was a troll and terrible person and more for a long time. Like you as an ex mod is doing right now when you claim I can read the mod forum when I can't. As for "other 'abuses'", I don't know for sure who else and how often have you and meester bannad and mistreated people on this game for whatever reasons. But there are few who claimed you abused them and I tend to believe them based on my own experience.
13.08.2018 - 15:11
Ive seen all your histories and how meester handled them and i saw nothing wrong. I would daresay i know far more about this subject than you northern. Honestly i'm not interested in revisiting all this drama at this stage. At the risk of incurring hdraks wrath however i will say this. Hdrakon has the 2nd longest mod history on aw and has 4/5 whole threads dedicated to him on the modforum from as far back as 2k11. Are we really in 2018 going to sit here and pretend he was a sweet innocent angel abused by all these respected mods over the years? You know who also complained meester was corrupt? Kloe. I would suggest you put this in the past and move on. Be thankful that you're no longer banned. All these mods youre talking about have mostly moved on from the game so it doesnt even matter anymore.
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13.08.2018 - 15:30
Yeah I'm not surprised I have "the 2nd longest mod history". 2012 - banned for several months because of a false report. The banning mod apologise to me later, but this first "permanent ban" tainted me and made me an easy target for future abuses. 2013 - banned for almost a year by vril for almost a year for calling him a noob after constant abuses from him that stretched for months. 2014 - wasn't banned or muted 2015 - abused by e mare to the point I deleted my account and was ready to move on from this game, but then he undeleted and stole my account through another mod's account. 2016 - banned for months by columna because of false reports which later led to another ban which lasted over a year by meester 2017 - banned for months by desu for for previous ban without justification I mentioned only the major abuses without including unreasonable kicks that resulted in duel loses, unfair mutes, and bunch of other stuff. I'm already past it, but when you and other people defend them and say they've done nothing wrong, I'll come and tell what I've experienced on my own.
13.08.2018 - 15:40
I know you maintain a good relation to hdrkn; makes me happy. Just don't quote him as evidence.
Simply not true. Please go through my 6468 posts. Please refrain from denouncing my off-topic posts as trolling posts; ofc. they are meant to troll. Actually, you are the first player I´ve met that feels offended by my "memes". Sorry... for you.
Silly, simplistic and ridiculous. "Insulting other mods..."... huehuehue and kkkkkkkk. Now I remember you - had to go through your forum history - from "hdrakon misunderstood" thread. Well, the snake is admin now.
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13.08.2018 - 18:13
Why do you guys columna and lao even bother answering? Hdrakon has been always trying to convince us he has changed and left everything behind but it seems he hasn't. Don't try to prove the opposite hdrakon, especially when you are talking with mods who dealt with you. As for you peick go get a life and stop supporting someone yoy don't know for stuff you don't know.
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13.08.2018 - 18:24
When did I try to "convince mods that I have changed"? Let me tell you, I never tried, I'm being me I always was and always will be. And honestly you being a mod means nothing. I was barely active when you were a mod so you can't use your barely existing experience with me as a mod in matters that are regarding me. Also, do something useful other than repeatedly asking ex mods and random people in main room chat what they think about me, as you have been doing right now for the past few minutes. Being obsessed over someone this much isn't healthy nor makes you look good.
14.08.2018 - 03:02
Fucking hell its like talking to a brick wall, "what is the point in having a moderator who doesn't moderate anything" Now idk how someone can be so fucking stupid they cannot understand that but let me go into a little more detail for you dumb fucks, being a moderator isnt some prestigious position of excellence that you get by being the most respective among the community and it defiantly isnt some sort of a rank you obtain by finishing end game tasks. The moderator position exists so the admins can entrust selective people to keep their game running smoothly by up holding the rules and helping out where else is needed. Now if that isn't being done by some individuals among the staff why are they there? Now if you ignorant regards still struggle with that then go back to primary school because education has failed you.
---- Lest we forget Moja Bosna Ponosna
14.08.2018 - 07:27
Who has the 1st longest mod history? ![]() ![]()
14.08.2018 - 08:58
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31.08.2018 - 01:10
Is this still alive?
---- ![]() ![]() ![]() >playing atwar: ![]() Furthermore, I consider that NWE must be destroyed
06.09.2018 - 08:30
I haven't read the discussion but it probably derailed in people hopping on this to personally attack Mods with whom they have grudges
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06.09.2018 - 16:29
I preemptively-bumped it to prevent in the future it to be bumped and the flame-war to begin bud
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06.09.2018 - 17:24
Could have just pmed a mod bud
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06.09.2018 - 17:57
Was on the phone, the lag it is to even go on the inbox is just too much, sorry though boo, you're absolutely correct, I have!
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