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Objave: 4   Obiskan od: 31 users
25.11.2013 - 19:54
Hi guys,

*happened too often that I create a game, some people ask for changing setting during the game [allow joining until X turn ; time for the round, etc] : I click close, thus I don't accept the changes, but the settings has been changed without me willing to? how does it happen? I must be missing something there.

*is there a way to set something like "systematically refuse" or "no change possible" as there are real ass*****es sometimes in games. I mean when you play 2-4 minutes games, it's kind of annoying : )

txs for you help

25.11.2013 - 21:39
Prispeval Guest95736, 25.11.2013 at 19:54

Hi guys,

*happened too often that I create a game, some people ask for changing setting during the game [allow joining until X turn ; time for the round, etc] : I click close, thus I don't accept the changes, but the settings has been changed without me willing to? how does it happen? I must be missing something there.

*is there a way to set something like "systematically refuse" or "no change possible" as there are real ass*****es sometimes in games. I mean when you play 2-4 minutes games, it's kind of annoying : )

txs for you help

the settings changes currently work by "majority rules".

however to prevent abuse, say if the game you were playing was 2v2v2, the game settings wouldnt be changeable unless at least 1 player from all 3 sides accepted a settings change proposal.

in your case someone on your side mustve accepted the change =/
25.11.2013 - 22:34
thanks for the clear explanation.

what is that "kick player" stuff?
I never dare clicking it : )

25.11.2013 - 23:31
You only can kick when they dc or are inactive for 3 turns, or when they are picking countries. It kicks them out of the game you are hosted, if you have any more questions you can ask in the questions sub forum
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