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10.02.2015 - 17:03
Hitler's War

Hitler's War is a new map based during World War II. The map takes place in 1941, but at different times in the year depending on the area. In Europe, the war takes place on the eve of Barbarossa, while in Asia, the war takes place on December 8, 1941, just after the United States enters the war and the Japanese invade and conquer Siam.

This map includes many new features to other World War IIs on each front.

Allied Powers
Premier Joseph Stalin -- Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics
Prime Minister Winston Churchill -- British Empire (West)
President Franklin D Roosevelt -- United States of America (East)
General Douglas MacArthur -- United States of America (West)
General Charles de Gaulle -- Free French Forces
Field Marshal Thomas Blamey -- Australia
Viceroy Archibald Wavell -- British Empire (India)
Chang Kai-Shek -- Republic of China

Axis Powers
Fuhrer Adolf Hitler -- Nazi Germany (East)
Marshal Hermann Goering -- Nazi Germany (West)
Prime Minister Benito Mussolini -- Italian Empire
Chief Philippe Petain -- Vichy France
Prime Minister Ion Antonescu -- Romania
Emperor Hirohito -- Imperial Japan (Pacific)
Count Hisaichi Terauchi -- Imperial Japan (Indochina)
General Korechika Anami -- Imperial Japan (China)

Notable Fronts
Western Europe

The Western Front, for the Axis, works similar to trench warfare in World War I maps. Except there is only one trench, and instead of being a trench, it is the German coastal areas. The point of this is to add difficulty for the United States to liberate Germany, while not having as much of an issue with liberating Britain to ensure her survival.

This front is also different from traditional WWII maps in the sense that Germany is split so that one of the two German players is only controlling coastal areas. This allows the player to focus on Germany's defense of the Atlantic coast, and to ensure efficiency in the Battle of Britain.

Because this map does not feature air transports, the United States will have two options:
1. To invade by sea, landing in one of the port cities, similar to D-Day.
2. To invade through Vichy France, landing in Morocco and Algeria, similar to operation Torch.

Eastern Europe

The Eastern Front is more of a blitzkrieg. From the beginning, the Soviets will be forced to go on the defensive in order to best fight against the invading German and Romanian forces. The goal of the Germans and Romanians is to advance fast enough to overrun the USSR, while the goal of the USSR is to hold out for long enough so that the Germans and Romanians go bankrupt, allowing for the Soviet forces to counterattack.

Upon the occasion that the Germans and Romanians advance as far as Moscow, Leningrad, and Stalingrad, they will have three options:
1. Attempt to conquer Leningrad, cutting off the largest source of income for the USSR.
2. Attempt to conquer Moscow, therefore capturing the capital of the USSR.
3. Attempt to conquer Stalingrad, allowing for the capture of Soviet oilfields and the advancement into the Middle East.
All three choices have their respective advantages, ultimately depending on the situation that the axis are facing at this point.

The USSR, being a massive country, has a railroad reaching from Krasnoyarsk to Yaroslavl. Each station along the railroad has a train as a starting unit in each. These trains cannot be rebuilt and will not reappear as an event. Use them effectively. This allows for the quick transportation of troops across the USSR.

North Africa and the Middle East

North Africa and the Middle East are realistically two different areas, but they are so heavily tied together for success in this map as well as being within close proximity, it was worth including them together. The goal of the British is to successfully and efficiently exiling the Vichy forces from Syria and Lebanon and conquering southern Iran, all while successfully defending Egypt from Italian advancement. This may seem like a lot of work, but success is very realistic. The ultimate goal of Vichy France is to hold out as long as possible in Syria and Lebanon, although long-term survival is unlikely. This should distract the British while the Italians make an advancement into Egypt.

Unlike the previous two fronts mentioned, this front does not include a lot of choice. In fact, it is designed so that the Italians and the British only have one real way to combat each other. The Sahara Desert is a no-go zone, and Cairo is not a port, therefore, invading by sea is impossible for attack boats, and is extremely risky for transports. The only credible option is to invade by land through North Africa, which also works, to an extent, like a trench. The British and Italians have three cities on the North African coast, none of which are ports, which they will have to battle with each other through in order to successfully invade the other.

Pacific Ocean

This is my personal favorite front. With over 40 islands, over 200 combined reinforcement, and over 1500 combined income, divided between 5 players, the Pacific Front takes on the role of a vital, large, and interesting part of the map. The main Axis player on this front is Imperial Japan, who controls more islands than every other country, but not combined. Along with Imperial Japan is Vichy France, who controls a few islands in the South Pacific. For the allies, the main contributor is the United States of America, along with the British Empire, and Australia. Because this front is so massive, with so many different ways of achieving naval domination, there are not just a few ways to sum up how to successfully dominate the region, but the ultimate goal is to conquer as many islands as possible, taking advantage of the reinforcement provided, and eventually invading your opponent.

There are three main areas of this front:
1. North Pacific. This includes the Aleutian Islands of Alaska and the Kuril Islands of Japan.
2. The Central Pacific. This includes the areas between Hawaii and Iwo Jima, including Midway, Guam, and the Marianas.
3. The South Pacific. This mostly includes all islands controlled by Vichy France, Australia, The British Empire, as well as some islands controlled by the United States and Japan.

Other Features
Prisoners of War
Whenever a player conquers a territory, they have a 50/50 chance of discovering Prisoners of War, rare units. These units do not drain income nor do they provide any significant boost for your military, as they have 1 attack and 0 defense, but they can be taken back to a Prisoner of War Camp within your territory, where you can use them to capture the POW Camp, giving you a boost in income. It takes at the very least 6 POWs to destroy a POW Camp, but it is much more efficient to use more than that.


Credit to Tunder3 for the trench idea

10.02.2015 - 18:29
Laochra¹: i pray to the great zizou, that my tb stops the airtrans of the yellow infidel
10.02.2015 - 20:02
Can't wait to play it, it looks awesome!
10.02.2015 - 20:59
Suport cant wait to try it
More u cry less u piss on the bed...... Krat Rules
11.02.2015 - 15:21
Nice job kentucky
11.02.2015 - 17:30
Italy needs to be green
Laochra¹: i pray to the great zizou, that my tb stops the airtrans of the yellow infidel
11.02.2015 - 17:39
Prispeval Nero, 11.02.2015 at 17:30

Italy needs to be green

Colors are based on team. Axis has warm colors while Allies have cool colors. Green is a cool color

11.02.2015 - 17:50
Finally I've been waiting to play a good WWII, i hope it's not crap.
11.02.2015 - 17:51
Make coastal flank cannon a special: ground defense
12.02.2015 - 09:38
Račun izbrisan
Nice map
11.05.2015 - 07:39
Siam had a cooperation with Japan they were never invaded.
12.05.2015 - 15:54
Prispeval KYBL, 11.02.2015 at 17:39

Prispeval Nero, 11.02.2015 at 17:30

Italy needs to be green

Colors are based on team. Axis has warm colors while Allies have cool colors. Green is a cool color

But green italy looks better, and this looks like my map ;(
20.11.2015 - 12:41
I wanna play this, why is it not hosted more
05.05.2017 - 20:21
This really looks like a fun map, never seen/played it. Cant wait to play!

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