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Would you like the ability to make you're own map Starting from scratc


Skupaj glasov: 19
19.04.2012 - 21:38
I'd like a new update if we can, maybe if we can make our own maps or, when you capture a country, the border's form into one, not just turn the same color but you see the border line, just a idea.
19.04.2012 - 21:41
Why is this in tourney. Also, this has been brought up over a billion times, admins said no.
19.04.2012 - 21:46
Why not? And It can be brought up 2 billion times, but this needs to happen, a update, we can talk about it, make ideas at the very least, can we not?
19.04.2012 - 21:55
Prispeval Garde, 19.04.2012 at 21:41

Why is this in tourney. Also, this has been brought up over a billion times, admins said no.

I like stuff.... Yay?
19.04.2012 - 22:00
Prispeval Undisputed, 19.04.2012 at 21:46

Why not? And It can be brought up 2 billion times, but this needs to happen, a update, we can talk about it, make ideas at the very least, can we not?

First off, the Tourney forum is for Tourney related threads only. Please move this to the Ideas and suggestions forum. The Admins said no, and that the map cannot be altered that dramatically as of yet, but this side of discussion means nothing when the idea involves making a singular Empire! That literally makes no sense, as if I capture your cap, I capture all of Eurasia. I would not be able to capture any of the other countries either when attacking you. Plus, the economies would be disastrous, the unit output would be even worse. This idea was not thought out at all, it makes no sense; nor does it innovate or bring in any new or needed gameplay variables. No, this will not get implemented, and discussion for this thread is over.
19.04.2012 - 23:32
Following the off topicness of the thread, why do you act like a mod, Gardevoir? Is it a conscious desire to be hated by everyone in the community or you just love that little bit of attention that comes with every reply you make, regardless of how vile they are?
Prispeval Mahdi, 23.11.2013 at 20:30

I don't consider the phrase "massive fag" to be an insult. Mods did.
20.04.2012 - 03:26
Prispeval Undisputed, 19.04.2012 at 21:46

Why not? And It can be brought up 2 billion times, but this needs to happen, a update, we can talk about it, make ideas at the very least, can we not?

Technical limitations of the game engine would make the developers need to re-tool the whole thing to allow it to have extra maps. We have spoken about it before. It's not going to happen and there's a lot more stuff to be done before it. It might be done, but not anytime soon. It just isn't feasible.
Youth-Oriented, Bydło-Approved
20.04.2012 - 08:22
Prispeval YOBA, 20.04.2012 at 03:26

Prispeval Undisputed, 19.04.2012 at 21:46

Why not? And It can be brought up 2 billion times, but this needs to happen, a update, we can talk about it, make ideas at the very least, can we not?

Technical limitations of the game engine would make the developers need to re-tool the whole thing to allow it to have extra maps. We have spoken about it before. It's not going to happen and there's a lot more stuff to be done before it. It might be done, but not anytime soon. It just isn't feasible.

This, my friends, is why.
On top of that, there's only one programmer (as far as I know) so it takes a while to get anything done programming wise.
~Somewhere in the distance an eagle shrieked as it rode an American buffalo to an apple-pie-eating contest at a baseball field.~
20.04.2012 - 13:22
Prispeval notserral, 19.04.2012 at 23:32

Following the off topicness of the thread, why do you act like a mod, Gardevoir? Is it a conscious desire to be hated by everyone in the community or you just love that little bit of attention that comes with every reply you make, regardless of how vile they are?

How is telling the OP twice that the idea has been done before and that he shouldn't have made the thread knowing it was not feasible acting like a mod? Do you insist on flaming me because I don't shitpost like i'm guessing you want me too, so you can troll me more? Please don't turn this thread into a flame war; I will not reply to any more of your posts here.
20.04.2012 - 13:30
They already said they wouldn't do that, at least for a while.
~My plump juicy breasts are none of your god damn business~
20.04.2012 - 13:57
Prispeval Garde, 20.04.2012 at 13:22
How is telling the OP twice that the idea has been done before and that he shouldn't have made the thread knowing it was not feasible acting like a mod? Do you insist on flaming me because I don't shitpost like i'm guessing you want me too, so you can troll me more? Please don't turn this thread into a flame war; I will not reply to any more of your posts here.

I don't want you to shitpost and neither do I want to troll you. It gives me physical pains whenever you act entitled, arrogant, pedantic or condescending when you know more than someone else. I won't reply to this thread again either, as I'm not in pain enough to get a forum ban.
Prispeval Mahdi, 23.11.2013 at 20:30

I don't consider the phrase "massive fag" to be an insult. Mods did.

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