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28.06.2020 - 20:45
The following is a list of AtWar related Discord servers (invites provided) If you're not on the list, feel free to post below / ask to be added!

Official atWar Discord

The Official atWar Discord is the HQ of everything atWar related, including staff, updates, and more. Future events/plans are also held/discussed here.

Members: 600+

Imperial Union

The Imperial Union is a coalition of coalitions, all coming together for a greater cause throughout atWar. If you're into metagaming, drama, news, AW History, debates & more - this is the server for you.

Members 160+ (formerly 400+)


Apple is a server where a lot of the current competitive community resides; Discussions on the current CW/Duel seasons and the game, in general, happen often here. If you're into hanging around the most skillful players in atWar, this is a good place to start.

Members: 50+


atWar is a server ran by people such as Sid, Lelouch., and others who all meet up here and have fun, casually discuss the game and play other games together. If you're into that kind of thing of course.. being the anti-social freaks most of us are!

Members: 50+
28.06.2020 - 21:51
You are forgetting the best discord, Corona frens and intellects, only for true 6 foot 200+ bench alpha males
28.06.2020 - 22:38
Prispeval Xenomega, 28.06.2020 at 21:51

You are forgetting the best discord, Corona frens and intellects, only for true 6 foot 200+ bench alpha males

provide name & invite :3
28.06.2020 - 23:05
Prispeval Xenomega, 28.06.2020 at 21:51

You are forgetting the best discord, Corona frens and intellects, only for true 6 foot 200+ bench alpha males

28.06.2020 - 23:08
Prispeval Sphinx, 28.06.2020 at 23:05

Prispeval Xenomega, 28.06.2020 at 21:51

You are forgetting the best discord, Corona frens and intellects, only for true 6 foot 200+ bench alpha males


I am honored to be upvoted by sphinx's main account... damn
29.06.2020 - 23:06
Message deleted by Sid. Reason: Toxic and unnecessary.
30.06.2020 - 04:49
Relying too heavy on discord makes me feel uncomortable... Sometimes I feel AW is more active on discord than actual game but whatever it works for you. Just don't bring those things here like it was done before and it's done to post above.
30.06.2020 - 09:54
Prispeval JUGERS2, 30.06.2020 at 04:49

Relying too heavy on discord makes me feel uncomortable... Sometimes I feel AW is more active on discord than actual game but whatever it works for you. Just don't bring those things here like it was done before and it's done to post above.

I can guarentee you Discord is just another platform AW uses to connect with its players. All rules still apply
30.06.2020 - 10:10
Prispeval Alois, 30.06.2020 at 09:54

Prispeval JUGERS2, 30.06.2020 at 04:49

Relying too heavy on discord makes me feel uncomortable... Sometimes I feel AW is more active on discord than actual game but whatever it works for you. Just don't bring those things here like it was done before and it's done to post above.

I can guarentee you Discord is just another platform AW uses to connect with its players. All rules still apply

I am 100% sure banned players are allowed in those discord servers you stated but not in AW so how do rules still apply? Anyway nothing wrong with it i dont see it as Atwar so let them be just dont ban people because they insulted you over discord....its a different platform they can do whatever they want that has nothing to do with AW rules.
30.06.2020 - 10:39
Message deleted by Sid. Reason: Toxic and unnecessary.
30.06.2020 - 10:46
Prispeval JUGERS2, 30.06.2020 at 10:10

Prispeval Alois, 30.06.2020 at 09:54

Prispeval JUGERS2, 30.06.2020 at 04:49

Relying too heavy on discord makes me feel uncomortable... Sometimes I feel AW is more active on discord than actual game but whatever it works for you. Just don't bring those things here like it was done before and it's done to post above.

I can guarentee you Discord is just another platform AW uses to connect with its players. All rules still apply

I am 100% sure banned players are allowed in those discord servers you stated but not in AW so how do rules still apply? Anyway nothing wrong with it i dont see it as Atwar so let them be just dont ban people because they insulted you over discord....its a different platform they can do whatever they want that has nothing to do with AW rules.

AW rules exist in servers such as the official one, hence why I said what I did:) players who are banned here are banned there.
30.06.2020 - 12:52
Message deleted by Sid. Reason: Toxic and unnecessary.
30.06.2020 - 13:58
Prispeval Sphinx, 30.06.2020 at 12:52

Just so you know, we do get more than you think :) its built currently for customer support and meetings, etc. Thats why i have included the other servers. I have said this for I dont know how long now. If you have a problem with it and think you can do better then by all means put yourself out there to help out within reason

30.06.2020 - 15:39
Message deleted by Sid. Reason: Toxic and unnecessary.

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