You know, in addition to the huge upgrade of user created maps....
Or like someone else said, instead of nerfing SM, buff all the other strategies.
~Somewhere in the distance an eagle shrieked as it rode an American buffalo to an apple-pie-eating contest at a baseball field.~
People voted to bring old turnblocking back? I don't know if you guys remember, but most people avoided getting their bomber stacks TBd by building 8 more bombers surrounding it: something that you can't do anymore
You would basically just be turnblocked endlessly if old TBing came back (Assuming you didn't use destroyers for lines while crossing the sea and an extra set of inf while crossing land), something that people hated enough before to decide to bring in new turnblocking in the first place.
I don't mind the new turnblocking and think it actually makes sense that a huge army shouldn't be stopped in place for a week because a tiny faction battled them.
I'd say delete the option for original TB, because basically, that's a nerf in itself for SM.
~Somewhere in the distance an eagle shrieked as it rode an American buffalo to an apple-pie-eating contest at a baseball field.~
We need the option to turn off first turn peace, because it REALLY messed up some scenarios. Like say in True WII. There are practically no neutral countries to take, so there has to be actual battling in the first turn.
~Somewhere in the distance an eagle shrieked as it rode an American buffalo to an apple-pie-eating contest at a baseball field.~
All the suggestions here are either bad or not that important. Whatever happened to a competitive ranking system that is based off of more than sp?
The church is near, but the road is icy... the bar is far away, but I will walk carefully...
I don't know what any of these are...quick description anyone? please and thanks
This thread is old
Capt. Corsair Račun izbrisan |
Capt. Corsair Račun izbrisan
I want all ranks 1-5 banned form the mainroom. We all made that game where noobs join, then leave or become afk(causing massquit) ruining games we waited hours for. Im fuckin tired of it. Want better experiences? Do my deed. And join my clan, Corsairs Pirates
All the suggestions here are either bad or not that important. Whatever happened to a competitive ranking system that is based off of more than sp?
Prispeval Amok, 12.03.2012 at 07:05
Why? It's much easier with the popup thingie buttons...
Prispeval Amok, 15.05.2013 at 06:51
Wow man, you're so wrong, I don't even know where to begin with
We need upgraded TB, not original, that was more broken than the current.