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04.10.2024 - 17:07
Do this test and state who you are voting for this upcoming election (if American) or what politician you support.

I'm voting for Trump this coming November. I see myself as a Bernie Sanders supporter, but, for this election I see Trump as the much better choice (for obvious reasons).

04.10.2024 - 17:10
My result is usually on the far top, slightly left or right from the middle. (not american)
04.10.2024 - 18:44
Prispeval temp, 04.10.2024 at 17:07

Do this test and [...]

Send the link u dumbass (not american)
04.10.2024 - 18:46
Prispeval Palm, 04.10.2024 at 18:44

Prispeval temp, 04.10.2024 at 17:07

Do this test and [...]

Send the link u dumbass (not american)

read monkey

04.10.2024 - 18:48
Prispeval temp, 04.10.2024 at 18:46

Prispeval Palm, 04.10.2024 at 18:44

Prispeval temp, 04.10.2024 at 17:07

Do this test and [...]

Send the link u dumbass (not american)

read monkey

Nice edit good thing i had taken ss already coz i knew it was going to happen.
04.10.2024 - 20:17
Prispeval Palm, 04.10.2024 at 18:48

Prispeval temp, 04.10.2024 at 18:46

Prispeval Palm, 04.10.2024 at 18:44

Prispeval temp, 04.10.2024 at 17:07

Do this test and [...]

Send the link u dumbass (not american)

read monkey

Nice edit good thing i had taken ss already coz i knew it was going to happen.

nice editing g

06.10.2024 - 05:57
Prispeval temp, 04.10.2024 at 17:07

Do this test and state who you are voting for this upcoming election (if American) or what politician you support.


I'm voting for Trump this coming November. I see myself as a Bernie Sanders supporter, but, for this election I see Trump as the much better choice (for obvious reasons).

The last sentence got me. You are a liberal according to the political compass and yet you vote for Trump lel But then again, you should not really be a Bernie head if you are center-left

06.10.2024 - 06:57
I did this test multiple times.
In 2017/18 I was center-left, a bit libertarian. I do not have the screenshot.


I would say that I am responsible liberal. When the world/country shifts more to the left, I move a bit to the right - and vice versa,

06.10.2024 - 10:03
Prispeval Oleg, 06.10.2024 at 05:57

The last sentence got me. You are a liberal according to the political compass and yet you vote for Trump lel But then again, you should not really be a Bernie head if you are center-left

According to this, I largely align with Bernie I have a mix of religious and liberal values so at times I might agree with Liberals or Republicans. The issue for this election is that the focus of it should be centered around the economy, and Trump will be much more beneficial than Kamala for the economy. The Biden-Kamala administration was able to send Billions or dollars to Ukraine and Israel for "support" yet it was only able to provide ~700 dollars to each Hurricane Helene victim. People who lost their entire homes only got ~700 dollars from the richest nation on earth, makes you question if this government is fit to run or not.

07.10.2024 - 10:20
Prispeval temp, 06.10.2024 at 10:03

According to this, I largely align with Bernie I have a mix of religious and liberal values so at times I might agree with Liberals or Republicans. The issue for this election is that the focus of it should be centered around the economy, and Trump will be much more beneficial than Kamala for the economy. The Biden-Kamala administration was able to send Billions or dollars to Ukraine and Israel for "support" yet it was only able to provide ~700 dollars to each Hurricane Helene victim. People who lost their entire homes only got ~700 dollars from the richest nation on earth, makes you question if this government is fit to run or not.

Trump did nothing for the economy except give tax cuts for the top1%. It's an urban legend that Republicans do better with the economy, never actually happened.
There are two possible reasons you decided to vote for Trump:
1. You are probably liberal but your family is conservative so you have the inner fight between your own and your family's beliefs - hence why you will vote for Trump, because your family will do so.
2. You are watching red pill content influencers and within your social circles it is "cool" to be MAGA.
Bernie supporter would never vote for fascist.

13.10.2024 - 20:37
 Dave (Administrator)
Prispeval Oleg, 07.10.2024 at 10:20

Trump did nothing for the economy except give tax cuts for the top1%. It's an urban legend that Republicans do better with the economy, never actually happened.

Have to disagree. I'm not in the top 1% (at best I'm in the top 50% lol) but my taxes went down under Trump. Business was good under Trump... it was during his term I achieved the highest income I've ever earned, and was able to buy a house. Where interest rates are now, I would have zero chance of being able to do that today.

I'm old enough to have lived and worked through several up & down cycles of the economy. Clinton screwed things up in the late 90's with his interest rate hikes. Bush Jr. was the first president to actually lower our family's taxes in my lifetime, and the economy was mostly good during his time, until everything fell apart around 2008. Obama then comes in and does every wrong step, prolonging the recession and making it worse... he raised our taxes, and tacked on an $800/year Obamacare mandate that still makes my blood boil to this day. Finally Trump came in and got the government off our backs. Trump 2016-2020 was the best economic conditions I've ever had.

Now under Biden/Harris I'm quite literally on the verge of bankruptcy. My income has not increased since 2021, while my expenses have increased dramatically. My business is being squeezed by the Biden/Harris-caused inflation. (Why do you think I've been absent from atWar the last 2 years? I've been scrambling, working my ass off trying to make money, and still failing to get ahead....)

Any normal person who took a basic economics class could have foreseen massive inflation would be the inevitable result of the Biden/Harris economic policies (i.e. printing money like there's no tomorrow.... how'd that work out for Germany in the 1930's? Or Argentina in the 2010's?)

I'm hanging in for the hope that Trump will win and re-instate his economic policies of 2016. If that happens, we'll be okay. But if, God forbid, Harris wins, I'll almost certainly be bankrupt in the next year. My business cannot survive another year of Biden/Harris.
All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer,
but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.
--Sun Tzu

13.10.2024 - 21:58
Prispeval Dave, 13.10.2024 at 20:37

I'm hanging in for the hope that Trump will win and re-instate his economic policies of 2016. If that happens, we'll be okay. But if, God forbid, Harris wins, I'll almost certainly be bankrupt in the next year. My business cannot survive another year of Biden/Harris.

His tax laws are still in place, so imagine if Kamala won and next year she pushed forth more taxes on corporations. It would cost the price of goods to increase and make everyone's lives even worse. People also like to argue that their income didn't increase under Trump but they fail to recognize that under Trump, their purchasing power increased, which is what matters when buying goods and services.

14.10.2024 - 05:59
Prispeval Dave, 13.10.2024 at 20:37


Your taxes going down under Trump makes sense because of the 2017 tax cuts, which did provide breaks for a lot of Americans. But most of the benefits went to corporations and wealthier folks. While middle-income earners got a temporary break, those cuts are set to expire in 2025, whereas corporate tax cuts are permanent. The fact is the cuts didn't stimulate the growth enough to cover the revenue loss. The CBO even projected that these cuts would add $1.9 trillion to the deficit over the next decade.

I don't think it's fair to put the blame for inflation entirely on the Biden administration. Inflation is affecting the whole world. Europe is seeing similar spikes. It's primarily caused by the aftermath of COVID and the war in Ukraine. Even if Trump was president now, you would be dealing with the similiar inflation.

In Montenegro, we've had a similar experience with the Evropa Sad Act, whose creators were inspired by Trump's 2017 tax policies. They introduced wage increases and tax cuts. People had more money in their pockets. But just like in the US, these policies led to disaster. Inflation skyrocketed, and higher incomes were quickly eaten by rising prices for everything. The reforms didn't address deeper issues in the economy, and now we're dealing with similar problems.

Both the US and Montenegro examples show that while tax cuts can offer short-term relief, they often lead to long-term issues if not done well. What's interesting is that the politicians behind the reforms lost power before the negative effects of their policies kicked in. So when inflation surged and the economy struggled, they managed to shift the blame on the new government, even though their reforms caused the problems.

This allowed them to make a comeback, even winning the presidency and forming a new government. Their politics, much like Trump's, focused on populism. In fact, the leader of this movement often retweets Trump. But their rise to power didn't last long. As the economic fallout from their policies continued, their popularity tanked. What everyone thought would be new and changing politics turned out to be reckless, and they're expected to lose the next elections.

That said, I hope things improve for you. Oddly enough, I also kinda hope Trump wins - though not for the reasons you might think. In my view, it might be worse for the US and the world, but better for the EU in the long run. During Trump's presidency, the EU became more independent, pushing for a more centralized and unified stance on both economic and geopolitical issues. But once Biden came into office, the US returned as a reliable partner, and that momentum in the EU stalled. So while I don't think it's the best outcome for the US, a Trump presidency could force Europe to become more self-reliant again.


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