A button/tab should be included in the Units/Strats window that lets you see the stats for rare units. Most of us know the stats of units & what strats do to them, but I can't remember the stats for all the rares. It would be great to just tap the units button, click to the rare unit window & have it all laid out for me. BTW, strats don't affect rares, do they? This should be in Questions, but I just thought of it now
I'm Mike & I like stuff.
Don't add them to the list. Have a second list for rares that you can click to. Going into the forums to find what a 'Forest Brother' is can be a bit much for new folks just getting use to navigating the game. Just sayin'
I'm Mike & I like stuff.
Its too much to add, and they won't be affected by strats
We are not the same - I am a Martian.
We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation?
Its too much to add, and they won't be affected by strats
If sexy is smart then i must be drop dead gorgeous.