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09.04.2021 - 16:47
Why is "paradox youth" 3rd in top coalition list rn ? do u plan to win a trophy with playing only noob clans or what? what is this logic dude if you want them to play better u shouldve let them play strong coalitions from start but you legit made them farm rank 5 clans and now they cant play any good clans because it will be farming... nice job now disband that clan

09.04.2021 - 17:12
You realize there was a time in atwar where everyone was rank 8 or rank 9. There were no rank 13s to play against. Let them play other low ranks what's the difference.
09.04.2021 - 17:46
This post doesn't represent Ship of Youth
09.04.2021 - 21:18
Here is the first moaner. Without any relevant base for moaning. Just shitting to shit something.

Instead of being understandable and respectful to Paradox Youth at first place that low and middle rank cws are back, by that being said competitive scene will have some brighter future, you are throwing crap in forums on those new guys. How nice from you.
So what if they are on 3rd place or if in some case they get some kind of trophy? Where is the problem?

With having 0 low and middle ranks in your clan, except Boywind's alt, you gave yourself credits to mock on their honest wish and starting elan to compete with players of their skill or similar (actually, they are even accepting some not that equalized cws). Also, take a look on casual cws, 95% of them are low/middle rank ones as well.

Whatsmore, I dont need anyone's bow down or some similar pathetic bullshit, I dont give a fuck about that, but I managed to get tens of good new guys sticked to the game, training with them, losing time and nervs to teach them basis, getting them trial premiums and realizing my project of low/mid rank scene rebirth (with help of some other lads from other clans). And then you come out of nowhere to say something and being butthurted because they are currently on third spot.
Don't get me personal, but you can fuck off from Paradox and their Paradox Youth. Rather watch on your clan and mind your own business.

PS. No, they won't become sentry kamikazas and start playing best squads of pro clans by feeding them elo until I am alive. Or at least until they get skilled enough to become part of main Paradox. No Tengri's dirty poke will change that. It just shows what shit kind of person you are.

09.04.2021 - 21:29
 Dave (Administrator)
This is such typical atWar behavior... first complain about the lack of new players, then when somebody actually does something about it, and trains up some new players, complain about that too.
All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer,
but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.
--Sun Tzu

10.04.2021 - 00:52
Prispeval Dave, 09.04.2021 at 21:29

This is such typical atWar behavior... first complain about the lack of new players, then when somebody actually does something about it, and trains up some new players, complain about that too.

Most players in paradox youth will go inactive when they realize that this competitive scene cant be played without pay2win general or when their 1 month premium end or when they realize that they have to play everyday for 2 years to buy all those upgrades i never complained about lack of new players...I always complain about having to buy a general or play 2 3 years to get all the upgrades since 2017. Isnt this the main reason why most people here play scenarios or roleplays ? like i did in my first days here because i didnt want to deal with upgrades.

And croat... If u wanted to train new players you could do it in normal 3v3 games and some time later push them to cw against a clan in bottom of the clan list so they wouldnt be farmed by any one but i think you didnt want Paradox to sacrifice any elo to train new players so that u wanted to make a new clan. you didnt have to show off like this to get praised by the staff xd i dont have any low ranks in my clan but for 2 years i tried to answer back to every low rank or middle rank players if they asked something or wanted my help even if they were in enemy clans and i dont quite understand that why the fuck do u think that everyone here has an obligation to train new players what the fuck? Im being raged for not having a low rank in my clan ghjmngkjjkhgjh know that i tried to find many low rank cws when i was in ship of thesus because we had a lot of new players there and we sent them to cw knowing that they might lose the elo we won with jugers.
Also I dont know why u think that i would be the first and last person to complain about paradox youth getting a trophy for farming rank 5 clans with you coaching them in clan chat I think ur gonna have to call them "shit kind of persons" too. oh i want to remind that waffel got banned 1 month for saying "incompetent mods" i think we as players are not as privilaged as mods
Much to be said here but i cringed too much to these posts sorry

10.04.2021 - 00:54
 Mobster (Moderator)
We're a training clan, we're doing just that. We give our time to teach and learn most of the time we're here.

About our policy in cws, we're mostly doing our best to serve to our purpose and also we actually still try to cw clans like yours from time to time so neither I or any officer/leader of ours are not supposed to give a shit about that narcissistic behavior of yours that doesn't contain any logic. I guess this was the reason; the stupid tolerance/resistance that part of the atWar community gave to keep mid-ranks out of cws for this long time.
10.04.2021 - 01:34
Prispeval 31TENGRI69, 09.04.2021 at 16:47

Why is "paradox youth" 3rd in top coalition list rn ? do u plan to win a trophy with playing only noob clans or what? what is this logic dude if you want them to play better u shouldve let them play strong coalitions from start but you legit made them farm rank 5 clans and now they cant play any good clans because it will be farming... nice job now disband that clan

10.04.2021 - 01:58
Prispeval 31TENGRI69, 10.04.2021 at 00:52

Prispeval Dave, 09.04.2021 at 21:29

I will only agree on premium side, but if every one gets all upgrades by your theory then (R 0 = R 10 / R 11) just skill difference, also you can make your own youth clan where you can guide people in chat and get to first place. You can only cry or raise an argument if it is against the Rules.
Yesterday I was streaming my game with youth clan members where they were able to see so many new stuff, shortcuts, merging troops and their reaction was " wao bro how did you do that ".
If only you come out of your comfort zone, bullshits, trolling , ape words like " hgdagdhsf " and help actually out new players, every one will appreciate your work.
10.04.2021 - 05:30
 Dave (Administrator)
Prispeval 31TENGRI69, 10.04.2021 at 00:52

Most players in paradox youth will go inactive when they realize that this competitive scene cant be played without pay2win general or when their 1 month premium end or when they realize that they have to play everyday for 2 years to buy all those upgrades i never complained about lack of new players...I always complain about having to buy a general or play 2 3 years to get all the upgrades since 2017. Isnt this the main reason why most people here play scenarios or roleplays ? like i did in my first days here because i didnt want to deal with upgrades.

You do know that we cut the cost of all upgrades by half, right? We made that change last year. So new players can get full upgrades much faster now.

Also I don't think the pay2win argument is valid since we started giving out ProtoCoins just for playing. If a player is active, they could earn enough PC just from playing to keep getting themselves premium, without ever paying real money.
All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer,
but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.
--Sun Tzu

10.04.2021 - 08:33
We will buy them these "pay2win generals" if it will come to that. You can earn all upgrades and lifetime premium in a year now if you actively play, what is the problem? Stop complaining and do something to help CW community. You nearly receivied POTY, and your main argument for it was how you helped a lot of players, now you mock all these players thinking it will help your case. If Youth gets their trophy, It will be because their training and playing paid off. They are playing with all the clans who are iwlling to balance ranks, you newlings do not know that it was a standard in 2014 and 2015. Every cw there was a rank balancing factor. We don't want our new players to be bullied and elo farmed by the likes of you. Match their ranks and "farm" them if you think they do not deserve their current place.

This is truly sad, this community became way too balkanized if you ask me. So much complainers, so little workers in one place. Instead of maybe making your own training clan and helping new players get into CW, you waste time making these topics and complaining how A TRAINING CLAN FARMS rank 5 players. How is rank 7 playing a fellow rank 7 considered farming? If they were playing everyone and had 800 elo now, you would complain that they feed other clans elo aswell. Double standards...


10.04.2021 - 16:46
Prispeval Dave, 10.04.2021 at 05:30

You do know that we cut the cost of all upgrades by half, right? We made that change last year. So new players can get full upgrades much faster now.

Also I don't think the pay2win argument is valid since we started giving out ProtoCoins just for playing. If a player is active, they could earn enough PC just from playing to keep getting themselves premium, without ever paying real money.

Solution is ez. Every clan ( okay these which are still active ) need to create their B team with under 8 ranks. Next season we can have B league tour where will just play clans with their low ranks.

This season we had 10k pc reward for most active clan, next season lets have 5k pc reward for most active clan and 5k for best young clan.

We also can have some kind of draft for low ranks.
They sign on some topic, that they are willing to play few cws. Tengri would take turkish players, some Balkan ones can come to MK, rest of the world Nero and Sid would teach how to play.

From that 5k pc reward some guys can buy premiums.


Prispeval 31TENGRI69, 10.04.2021 at 00:52

And croat... If u wanted to train new players you could do it in normal 3v3 games and some time later push them to cw

This is also important, and tengri is right.

Its not normall to learn basic things in cw, go play 3v3 random games first.

Prispeval Dave, 10.04.2021 at 05:30

Also I don't think the pay2win argument is valid since we started giving out ProtoCoins just for playing. If a player is active, they could earn enough PC just from playing to keep getting themselves premium, without ever paying real money.

Support. Never in past was not easier to earn premium then it is now.
10.04.2021 - 17:14
Prispeval Mauzer Panteri, 10.04.2021 at 16:46

Its not normall to learn basic things in cw, go play 3v3 random games first.

We all started cw-ing as low ranks, why is it a problem now lol?

10.04.2021 - 17:30
I respect what Paradox & Paradox Youth are doing, I think its great because in Bosniak Legion we have low rank to mid ranked players(we are recruiting more too) which i think is key for them to play against players around their level for obvious reasons but we're also trying to get them to play against the higher ranked and regular competitive players as theres also a lot to learn from that too. Besides what Tengri is saying doesn't make sense as Paradox Youth don't appear to discriminate who they play against at all, they seem quite comfortable playing anybody except they're not binging out boat loads of games everyday like other players are which is completely respect because I only like playing a handful a day myself.
Lest we forget
Moja Bosna Ponosna
10.04.2021 - 17:51
Well my humble opinion I do not think there is anything wrong with new players learning to play cw or being trained by pro player, and I say this from my own experience I was a 50k word map player and did not know shit about duels, 3v3 or cw no one ever bothered to teach me or give me a tutorial on that, how little I learned it on my own, but I would have appreciated learning to play competitive before.

Another thing is that I do not agree that no one gets the free premium since I suppose that when a player pays for the premium that money is directed to pay the atwar servers and the promotion of the game, what I do think about is that the players Old people we must help the community by teaching new players and inviting new players to join through our networks
I think that if the community were twice what it is now it will be much more fun and exciting for everyone
10.04.2021 - 20:48
We talking about the same Paradox Youth that just 2v2d Narcos with a r7 non-premium (at the time) and won? Nahhh come on leave these guys alone please they're awesome.
[pr] ●HellRaiserX666X: ever try beating your meat with sand paper?
10.04.2021 - 20:57
Prispeval The Panda Jew, 10.04.2021 at 20:48

We talking about the same Paradox Youth that just 2v2d Narcos with a r7 non-premium (at the time) and won? Nahhh come on leave these guys alone please they're awesome.

Ye we tried to match ranks with them as best we could which is fine with me
11.04.2021 - 02:56
Dont be funny. Who learned how to play in cws? In every good clan you as low rank had to train alot in random games before you get chance to play France in cw.

Thtas only normal way, maybe in sp police you can play cw as r5.

Train your new players, you cant let r5 to fight expirienced Eu+ player. New ones got scared after they get demolished in cw arena. I would delete these unfair farm cws, played this season. In past we always had some random 3v3 games... Today... rip. TRAIN your low ranks, dont be retarded and expect r5 can become r10 after 3 cws, he need 300 3v3 random games before he get FRANCE in cw. When you finally let some of them to play FRANCE, dont make that player bored wittth "stack Paris and fund", learn him how to take some kind of risk.

MK started from scratches, when we all were not full noobs, but noobs in Eu + for sure, and we become best AW clan in history. Yes we are best, cuz we are here 8 years and no one other isnt even close to that.

Also ik how some of other good clans worked : Dalmati, Illy, Sm, EC... I trained : Eagle, Aoki, Slowind and many rest players, so i knew what im saying.
Main problem is motivation, as for new players ( isnt easy to find any new which is interested to learn ), same thing is with old ones. Experienced players trying to use shortcuts, which is wrong approach in this case.

Big problem is that atm first time after long time, theres no any good active clan. MK isnt good active clan atm. To be consider as good active clan you need 5+ good, active, competetive players. Two arent enough. This is era of boring 2v2 cws.
11.04.2021 - 03:39
Prispeval The Panda Jew, 10.04.2021 at 20:48

We talking about the same Paradox Youth that just 2v2d Narcos with a r7 non-premium (at the time) and won? Nahhh come on leave these guys alone please they're awesome.

They swamped us in a match too, that damned Mobster destroyed my precious bosnjak9 xD
Lest we forget
Moja Bosna Ponosna
11.04.2021 - 03:59
Also new times new rules...

Dave as a big boss could set rule that none clan can win season if they doesnt use r 8 or even lover at least in 10 cws. Everyone would have to accept that.

Honestly, more 3v3 cws with some unexperienced players ( 1 per clan ) are better then so many boring 2v2 cws.
11.04.2021 - 04:51
 Mobster (Moderator)
Mauzer = atWar conservative
Paradox = atWar innovator
Tengri = atWar libtard
11.04.2021 - 05:34
Prispeval Mauzer Panteri, 11.04.2021 at 02:56

Also ik how some of other good clans worked : Dalmati, Illy,

Weren't Dalmati have their youth called Dalmati Pups who functioned in the same way, where their lower ranks played equalized cws and competed the same way?
Weren't Illyria have their youth called Illyrification who functioned in the same way, where their lower ranks played equalized cws and competed the same way?

Prispeval Mauzer Panteri, 11.04.2021 at 02:56

This is era of boring 2v2 cws.

Yes and what you did about that? Recruited 0 people for years, kept 2 active players and choose to moan and throw shit around by willing to prevent others from doing something, especially newer participants on cw scene, because why not, it's absolutely more 'productive'.
I really don't give a fuck what and who you trained before 8 years, you're living on old glory. Nowadays, you are all the smartest in forums and nowhere on doings and if anyone says something to you, just write him 'I trained 5 guys before 8 years and didn't allow them to cw because they had 3v3' or 'You made youth clan not to lose Elo with main' .

What a thug, unbeatable arguments. Mega brainy. Can't discuss this shit anymore. And trust me, I will rather die then give up on something I am giving myself into, so you will sooner make an Earth rotate in another way, than change anything about this

11.04.2021 - 05:38
Prispeval Mobster, 11.04.2021 at 04:51

Mauzer = atWar conservative
Paradox = atWar innovator
Tengri = atWar libtard

Paradox is legit doing the same thing that dalmati, illyria and other clans did in the past lol, for me this idea of a youth clan is so bad.

Making a youth clan just prove how bad you are because you're scared to lose elo with lowranks, if you want to train lowranks just cw with them how the fuck do they learn correctly how to cw if they don't play with and agaisnt better players lol.
11.04.2021 - 05:47
 Mobster (Moderator)
Prispeval Froyer, 11.04.2021 at 05:38

Prispeval Mobster, 11.04.2021 at 04:51

Mauzer = atWar conservative
Paradox = atWar innovator
Tengri = atWar libtard

Paradox is legit doing the same thing that dalmati, illyria and other clans did in the past lol, for me this idea of a youth clan is so bad.

Making a youth clan just prove how bad you are because you're scared to lose elo with lowranks, if you want to train lowranks just cw with them how the fuck do they learn correctly how to cw if they don't play with and agaisnt better players lol.
We already cw against good players instead of equals from time to time what are you talking about?
11.04.2021 - 05:49
Prispeval Croat, 11.04.2021 at 05:34

Y Dalmati pups, Waffel were in. Even waffel played many 3v3 cws before he get chance to play cw in Pups.

Prispeval Croat, 11.04.2021 at 05:34

Yes and what you did about that? Recruited 0 people for years, kept 2 active players and choose to moan and throw shit around by willing to prevent others from

I created 10+ good players.

Who you trained?

Prispeval Croat, 09.04.2021 at 21:18

Just shitting to shit something.

crap fuck about that,

Prispeval Croat, 11.04.2021 at 05:34

Yes and what you did about that? Recruited 0 people for years, kept 2 active players and choose to moan and throw shit around by willing to prevent others from doing something, especially newer participants on cw scene, because why not, it's absolutely more 'productive'.
I really don't give a fuck what and who you trained before 8 years, you're living on old glory. Nowadays, you are all the smartest in forums and nowhere on doings and if anyone says something to you, just write him 'I trained 5 guys before 8 years and didn't allow them to cw because they had 3v3' or 'You made youth clan not to lose Elo with main' .

What a thug, unbeatable arguments. Mega brainy. Can't discuss this shit anymore. And trust me, I will rather die then give up on something I am giving myself into, so you will sooner make an Earth rotate in another way, than change anything about this

Stop insulting everyone who doesnt think on the same way you do.
11.04.2021 - 05:51
Prispeval Mobster, 11.04.2021 at 05:47

Prispeval Froyer, 11.04.2021 at 05:38

Prispeval Mobster, 11.04.2021 at 04:51

Mauzer = atWar conservative
Paradox = atWar innovator
Tengri = atWar libtard

Paradox is legit doing the same thing that dalmati, illyria and other clans did in the past lol, for me this idea of a youth clan is so bad.

Making a youth clan just prove how bad you are because you're scared to lose elo with lowranks, if you want to train lowranks just cw with them how the fuck do they learn correctly how to cw if they don't play with and agaisnt better players lol.

We already cw against good players instead of equals from time to time what are you talking about?

No you're cwing decent teams at best not good one.
11.04.2021 - 05:56
Prispeval Bisexual, 10.04.2021 at 08:33

If they were playing everyone and had 800 elo now, you would complain that they feed other clans elo aswell. Double standards...

When I was r5-8 in Elite with Ted, razm and trsid we were playing everyone and we had 900+ elo, only mk made a cry thread and it was false illyria lost more elo cwing us they only won more cws.
11.04.2021 - 05:57
Prispeval Froyer, 11.04.2021 at 05:38

Making a youth clan just prove how bad you are because you're scared to lose elo with lowranks,

Froyer, I don't know if you are another utter dumbfuck or you just enjoy acting dumb.
Just take a glance on the fact that Paradox would be even in bigger Elo plus if it was together with Youth and those guys would still play the same way, with equalizing ranks as much as possible. Low/middle rank cws functioned in that way since ever. Even myself while being in evoL as rank 6, 7 and 8. I literally always played with equalized ranks, same as any other clan around, they used their lower ranks (V-dog, Lynch, Ghost, Soldier, etc.) in the same way.

What you are saying is just blowing last of my braincells remaining to keep looking back on this shit thread.

11.04.2021 - 06:02
Prispeval Croat, 11.04.2021 at 05:57

Prispeval Froyer, 11.04.2021 at 05:38

Making a youth clan just prove how bad you are because you're scared to lose elo with lowranks,

Froyer, I don't know if you are another utter dumbfuck or you just enjoy acting dumb.
Just take a glance on the fact that Paradox would be even in bigger Elo plus if it was together with Youth and those guys would still play the same way, with equalizing ranks as much as possible. Low/middle rank cws functioned in that way since ever. Even myself while being in evoL as rank 6, 7 and 8. I literally always played with equalized ranks, same as any other clan around, they used their lower ranks (V-dog, Lynch, Ghost, Soldier, etc.) in the same way.

Equalizing ranks is legit stupid, when I was in mecoy's clan in 2019 both of us were cwing everyone with new players and almost never together, it was him+lowranks or me+lowranks.

When I was a lowrank I've always wanted to play better players to learn and get better, if you're equalizing ranks/skills how do you play agaisnt good teams lol.
11.04.2021 - 06:04
This equalizing ranks rules is so stupid, do you know any player that was making r9 max duels become good at dueling ?
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