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Objavljeno od Aetius, 13.06.2019 - 15:39
text dump of previous phase:

=Turn 21 Combat Phase 3/3=

This turn will last until combat is resolved

Current Wars (2/3):

Numantine War
COMMANDER: Marcus Porcius Cato Minor
Legio V Hispana
Legio VII Germanica
Legio VIII Mortis
Legio XVI Maria
6 Legions
2 Fleets

  • Celtiberians have 8 armies, and Rome needs 2 fleets to support their armies in this campaign
  • Disaster Roll 14, Lesser Disaster 11,18
  • For every turn this war is not resolved -20 talents, and if ignored +1 unrest
  • Will invade Nearer Spain if not defeated or stalemated, gaining 1 allied army

    Tertius Fabius Magnus becomes Consul for Life!

    The Mithridatic War Games
    1 Gladiatorial Game is being Held

    *A game is being held in honor Sulla and Tertius Magnus. Rome is rather new to games such as this, many amateurs arrive from various up and coming ludus to fight as either romans or "greeks" although if the "greeks" start winning they are told to start surrendering and losing

    Prize Fights
    House Batiatius (Auctoritas)
    Virginius ''the repulsive Hispanic'' Piso
    Domius ''The savage Combrian'' Geltsringer
    Hasdrubal ''The Salty'' Barca
    Pausanias & Memnon ''Dioscuri''

    House Hypsaeus (Populares)

    Romulus defeats Domius, gaining +1 skill
    Romulus kills Hasdrubal
    Virginius defeats Brennus +1 skill
  • 02.08.2019 - 15:30
    ==Turn 18: Phase 3 has begun==
    04.08.2019 - 21:49

    Battle of Berœa
    Flavius Porcius Carbo (Flanking)
    (6 legions+ + 4 veterans+ 2 command +1 reform)=17 strength
    Perseus (Direct Charge) Tactical Counter!
    5 armies+6 command =11 strength
    Battle Roll: 16+6-3=19
    Result: Crushing Victory

    As Carbo advanced into the macedonian interior Perseus began to lose his nerve. His retainers noticed he became obsessed with oracles and prophecies, rather than preparing for the upcoming conflict he put his faith in asiatic mystics who promsied him a magical solution.

    Carbo was not an exceptional military commander but he he did know how to conduct a war. Finding Thessaly lightly guarded (save for the port of Demetrias) he raided it for grain and seized the mountain pass of Berœa then patiently waited.

    Believing he could triumph, that some divine fortune was son his side, Perseus ordered an assault up the pass against this larger fortified roman army.
    Although the Romans were at first surprised, mainly because of it being utterly incomprehensible, they swiftly recovered and routed the phalanx with massive volleys of pilas from heights and as soon as it broke up, charged and slaughtered them all. Perseus, his mind broken, fled on horseback to the east.

    Carbo arrives in Pella and without even a pretense of honoring greek liberty like his predecessors, declares it under roman control, and says the kingdom is abolished, and that all macedonians would now consider Lucius Fulvius Ravilla as their lord.

    Roman Casualties

    Macedonian Casualties

    Flavius Porcius Carbo gains 3 influence and 3 popularity for victory, as well as the honorific cognomen Macedonicus
    Flavius Porcius Carbo a veteran legion, Legio Macedonica+1 more legions if given land
    Romans love victory -1 unrest
    Romans gains 30 talents in war spoils, and the province of MACEDONIA

    Iberian Campaign

    Gaius Servilius Glaucia (Envelopment)
    (4 legions +7 veteran+1 command+ 1 reform)=20 strength
    Viriathus (Balanced)
    9+5 =14 strength
    Battle Roll: 10+62=16
    Result: Victory

    With 11 legions at his command Glaucia delegated roles to subordinates who systemically land across the spanish coast and set up areas of roman control from which they expand outwards.

    Roman legions do not make any sudden advances deep into enemy territory, but rather construct roads as they march, then make forts, then expand again.Entire tribes are forced by spear-point into makeshift cities the legions and thousands of imported craftsmen built to deny viriathus his sources of recruits.

    It is simply a display of a power far greater than their own and of enormous capabilities that awes people away from Viriathus who has also proven unable to stop banditry, and famine, while the Romans can.

    Eventually, a much depleted Viriathus is driven back into his Lusitanian heartlands and besieged. Massive assaults are launched upon his final fortress are overcome and he dies gloriously in the final moments.

    Roman Casualties
    Legio XI Illyricorum
    1 legion

    Lusitani Casualties

    Gaius Servilius Glaucia gains 3 influence and 3 popularity
    Gaius Servilius Glaucia gains 1 veteran legions, Legio Libertas +1 more legions if given land
    Romans love victory -1 unrest
    05.08.2019 - 10:52
    ==Turn 19: Phase 1 has begun==
    05.08.2019 - 11:23
    Make Herius Quinctius leader.
    3 on equite for Quinctius
    Faustus Cassius will try to get Sulpicius with no bribes, else Sextus Valerius Maximus using 5 bribres (max)
    bank rest

    >playing atwar:

    Furthermore, I consider that NWE must be destroyed
    05.08.2019 - 11:25
    4 on equite for Porcius
    Persuade Sextus Valerius Maximus with Fabius, cancel if persuaded by a rival faction, will react to that when if it comes OR if someone offers me a deal to not persuade this turn. Anyone who tries persuade my senators will be denied positions on the ballot and sent away to provinces
    1 talent to Rome
    05.08.2019 - 12:33
    3 on Equite for Marius, persuade Sulpicus with Aelius mas bribes
    Someone Better Than You
    05.08.2019 - 15:04
    Play crassus and make faction leader. Spend 4 on equite for crassus. Servellius will Persuade any neutral senator left with max bribe.
    05.08.2019 - 16:59
    White votes like me for 3 turns and gives me 5 money and if we're consuls together he agrees to any dicktator nomination I make and he also sends counterbribes if my senators are ever persuaded and also one more mysterious (non-binding) clause, in return I give him (((mysterious card))), waiting for confirmation
    Someone Better Than You
    05.08.2019 - 17:00
    Prispeval Zephyrusu, 05.08.2019 at 16:59

    White votes like me for 3 turns and gives me 10 money and if we're consuls together he agrees to any dicktator nomination I make and he also sends counterbribes if my senators are ever persuaded and also one more mysterious (non-binding) clause, in return I give him (((mysterious card))), waiting for confirmation

    Confirm, but should there be a concession nomination, zeph votes like me (should i be in that nomination ofc)
    05.08.2019 - 17:09
    Prispeval AndrejUuU, 05.08.2019 at 17:00

    Confirm, but should there be a concession nomination, zeph votes like me (should i be in that nomination ofc)

    Someone Better Than You
    05.08.2019 - 18:21
    3 on equite for Sulla
    persuade Sulpicius with 6 bribes, otherwise Valerius with 2 if untaken.
    05.08.2019 - 19:25
    PLAY POMPEY card
    05.08.2019 - 19:59
    Give zeph 6 talents, zeph votes like me in the consulship tickets (i will vote for the ticket with me + porcius "me being pompey" aetius can confirm tha this deal is legit, i give aetius a card he votes like me in the consul ticket deal, 5 talents (3 now 2 later next turn)
    05.08.2019 - 20:10
    Prispeval AndrejUuU, 05.08.2019 at 19:59

    Give zeph 6 talents, zeph votes like me in the consulship tickets (i will vote for the ticket with me + porcius "me being pompey" aetius can confirm tha this deal is legit, i give aetius a card he votes like me in the consul ticket deal, 5 talents (3 now 2 later next turn)

    06.08.2019 - 03:07
    Counterbribe as much as needed
    if cassius survives then cassius will roll assassination on pompey, but i will wait till aetius comes online to make it final, so no roll yet, notice it happens right after libertatem vote on the senate, and before optimates does (considering the order of voting is like persuade)
    edit: if white agrees to not counter bribing then no assassination roll

    >playing atwar:

    Furthermore, I consider that NWE must be destroyed
    06.08.2019 - 08:46
    Auctoritas won't persuade my faction this turn, i give them the 5 shekels from Valerius as soon as the GM allows it.
    06.08.2019 - 08:47
    Prispeval Tundy, 06.08.2019 at 08:46

    Auctoritas won't persuade my faction this turn, i give them the 5 shekels from Valerius as soon as the GM allows it.

    Deal accepted
    06.08.2019 - 08:51
    Auctoritas will not persuade Libertatem this turn for a d6 payment. Diceroll 1 is however 2 talents
    06.08.2019 - 08:54
    Prispeval The_Empirezz, 06.08.2019 at 08:51

    Auctoritas will not persuade Libertatem this turn for a d6 payment. Diceroll 1 is however 2 talents

    will pay from next turn income as agreed in discord

    >playing atwar:

    Furthermore, I consider that NWE must be destroyed
    06.08.2019 - 09:52
    If quinticus is dictator at turn 19, then libertatem will vote same as auctoritas for turn 19, 20, 21 on consul and censor votes, concinnatores will vote same as auctoritas for turn 19, 20, 21 on consul and censor votes aswell
    all three confirm

    >playing atwar:

    Furthermore, I consider that NWE must be destroyed
    06.08.2019 - 09:52
    Prispeval j-e-s-u-s, 06.08.2019 at 09:52

    If quinticus is dictator at turn 19, then libertatem will vote same as auctoritas for turn 19, 20, 21 on consul and censor votes, concinnatores will vote same as auctoritas for turn 19, 20, 21 on consul and censor votes aswell
    all three confirm

    06.08.2019 - 09:52
    Prispeval j-e-s-u-s, 06.08.2019 at 09:52

    If quinticus is dictator at turn 19, then libertatem will vote same as auctoritas for turn 19, 20, 21 on consul and censor votes, concinnatores will vote same as auctoritas for turn 19, 20, 21 on consul and censor votes aswell
    all three confirm

    Someone Better Than You
    06.08.2019 - 09:54
    Prispeval Zephyrusu, 06.08.2019 at 09:52

    Prispeval j-e-s-u-s, 06.08.2019 at 09:52

    If quinticus is dictator at turn 19, then libertatem will vote same as auctoritas for turn 19, 20, 21 on consul and censor votes, concinnatores will vote same as auctoritas for turn 19, 20, 21 on consul and censor votes aswell
    all three confirm


    Prispeval The_Empirezz, 06.08.2019 at 09:52

    Prispeval j-e-s-u-s, 06.08.2019 at 09:52

    If quinticus is dictator at turn 19, then libertatem will vote same as auctoritas for turn 19, 20, 21 on consul and censor votes, concinnatores will vote same as auctoritas for turn 19, 20, 21 on consul and censor votes aswell
    all three confirm


    good to make deals with you

    >playing atwar:

    Furthermore, I consider that NWE must be destroyed
    06.08.2019 - 10:38
    If crassus gets land comission, i will give 2 shekels to empi every turn while the comission is in play.
    06.08.2019 - 10:46
    Considering libertatem gets sent to asia on turn 19 phase 2 , it will be corrupt every turn and pay auctoritas the 1d6 roll from the corruption, even if developed, in turn auctoritas will agree to send libertatem there.

    >playing atwar:

    Furthermore, I consider that NWE must be destroyed
    06.08.2019 - 10:51
    Prispeval j-e-s-u-s, 06.08.2019 at 10:46

    Considering libertatem gets sent to asia on turn 19 phase 2 , it will be corrupt every turn and pay auctoritas the 1d6 roll from the corruption, even if developed, in turn auctoritas will agree to send libertatem there.

    06.08.2019 - 10:52
    Prispeval Tundy, 06.08.2019 at 10:38

    If crassus gets land comission, i will give 2 shekels to empi every turn while the comission is in play.


    2nd deal of our factions this turn:
    Sullan Law (Gabinian) is played with Crassus co-sponsor in return for an immediate one-time payment of 2 shekels from Commercium
    06.08.2019 - 13:12
    ==Turn 19: Phase 2 has begun==
    06.08.2019 - 13:30
    1 on everything

    >playing atwar:

    Furthermore, I consider that NWE must be destroyed
    06.08.2019 - 13:32
    Consul: 1
    Censor: 2
    Praetor: Vote as White
    Aedile: 2
    Pontifex: 2
    Asia: Vote as jesus
    Nearer Spain: 1
    Further Spain: 1
    Governor of Illyricum: 2, Lepidus
    Land Commissioner: 2
    Degree: 1
    Someone Better Than You

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