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28.03.2020 - 15:09

I R O N ✙ S U P R E M A C Y

☩ Introduction ☩
Iron Supremacy is a strategy role-playing game based on World of 1920+, by Jakub Rozalski, Scythe, by Stonemaier Games, and Iron Harvest, by KING Art Games. set in the alternate reality of 1920+, just after the end of the Great War.

This forum game will let you, as a player, control the course of political intrigue between small nations, taking decisions to win the upcoming conflict in this fictional version of Europe. Each player represents a "committee", "coalition", "trade bloc", or "corporation" that will make decisions for each one of these tiny nations that surrounds them. In other words, you will have the power to harm or benefit a nation.

In the midst of this chaos, a new threat appears that will put Europe's very existence at risk. Secret forces are putting everything they can towards destabilization of entire countries, determined to set the world on fire once again and finally seize control.

☩ Information ☩
The game will support 6 players. There are 7 different nations, each one with it's own culture and modus operandi. All available decisions will be made by voting. Your vote will have a Voting Weight value that can be increased or decreased over time. At first, a player's VW is equal to its Power Value, but can be boosted for a period of time spending Influence Points.

You will also have Supporters available. They are mandatory resources to spend in some decisions, if a decision requires a type of Supporter, you must send it. Eventually, you will be able to recruit new Supporters by spending Influence Points.

The Supporters can be a Governor, High Priest, Noble, Science Director, Merchant, Bureaucrat, Chemist, Military Officer, Entertainer, Corporate Manager, Medical Worker, Philosopher, Metallurgist, or Clerk.

☩ Rules ☩
1. Non-playable nations may peace/war/ally each other at will.
2. A nation is officially destroyed when all of his provinces are lost.
3. The player who complete his objectives is victorious.
4. Player's votes must be listed like: 1) X. 2) Y. 3) Z, etc.
5. The limit of actions per turn is 4 and spending at least half of them is obligatory to all players. Actions can be: voting, recruiting, or restrict acts. You can save actions for future turns.
6. Player's can't vote more than 3 decisions per nation.
7. Players can act in any order, but they have to wait for the GM and all other players to act once again.
8. Everyone have 48h to act on his turn.
9. The result of most actions/decisions will be decided by dice rolling.

☩ Voting Weight ☩
Power Value: everyone starts with 2 PV + 1d6 (rolled by the GM).
Influence Points: everyone starts with 10 IP. You can spend 1 Influence to increase +2 VW for 1 turn only in one decision of your choice (when doing this, don't post, send me a PM).
Reputation: everyone starts with 80 Reputation.

☩ Factions ☩
Tradition clashes with scientific and technological progress, while Europe is still recovering from the brutal battles of the World War. Cities are being rebuilt and in the countryside, the era of the Iron Supremacy has begun. Farmers are uncovering the remains of the majestic walking machines that had fought on the battlefields of the Great War. Eventually, new nations can show up or disappear from the map.

Starting year: 1920.

Kingdom of Ruthenia
Color: White
Government: Parliamentary Monarchy
Population: 6.200,000
Wars: None
Stability: 50%
Industrialization Value: 12/20
Buildings: 40/100
Traits: Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, Economic Alliance (Middle Europe).

Crown of Illyria
Color: Teal
Government: Parliamentary Monarchy
Population: 6.200,000
Wars: None
Stability: 55%
Industrialization Value: 14/20
Buildings: 30/100
Traits: Catholicism, Irredentism (Republic of Bosnia, Serbian Military Junta).

Commune of Crimea
Color: Yellow
Government: Syndicalist Federal Republic
Population: 9.750,000
Wars: None
Stability: 40%
Industrialization Value: 16/20
Buildings: 35/100
Traits: Third International, Exiled Enemies.

Carpathian Kingdom
Color: Maroon
Government: Parliamentary Monarchy
Population: 12,000.000
Wars: None
Stability: 65%
Industrialization Value: 10/20
Buildings: 20/100
Traits: Mountain Range, Rural Population.

Serbian Military Junta
Color: Purple.
Government: Authoritarian Regency
Population: 2.500,000
Wars: None
Stability: 45%
Industrialization Value: 14/20
Buildings: 35/100
Traits: Anti-Crime Campaign, Military Dictatorship.

Tsardom of Bulgaria
Color: Green.
Government: Parliamentary Monarchy
Population: 9,800.000
Wars: None
Stability: 50%
Industrialization Value: 12/20
Buildings: 40/100
Traits: Historical Identity, Sprawling Slums.

Kingdom of Galicia-Lodomeria
Color: Blue.
Government: Parliamentary Monarchy
Population: 10,250.000
Wars: None
Stability: 50%
Industrialization Value: 16/20
Buildings: 20/100
Traits: Bombardment Craters, Harvest Fields.

☩ Workers and resources ☩
There are two kinds of decisions: simple and complex. One of them don't require anything but an action, the other one may ask for a prerequisite or resource.

  • Economy: Money can buy everything, from Supporters to Buildings. Use it wisely, it's hard to increase your budget.
  • Supporters: Some specific decisions asks for one or more Supporters. If a nation needs military training, it may ask for 1 Military Officer. If it needs humanitarian help to contain an epidemic, it may ask for 1 Medical Worker.
  • Stability: High Stability is a prerequisite in many decisions that benefits a country. Low Stability may create revolts, destroy Buildings, decrease IV, etc.
  • Industrialization Value: It can provide money and be used as prerequisite. The IV may be the solution for many problems that nations will encounter.
  • Buildings: Generic term that encompasses many things, such as housing, airports, ports, highways, railways, farms, hospitals, universities, churches, etc. It can be converted into IV/Economy through decisions.
  • Population: Manpower. Very useful, but hard to manage.

About the types of decisions, there are four of them.

  • Regular: Eventually, it can happen to any country in any time. Chain events included.
  • Unique: Appears only to a specific country and won't appear again once it's resolved.
  • Rare: Has only 1 in 10 chances of happening.
  • Special: Has 2 in 10 chances of happening and it disappear after 06 months.

☩ Victory conditions ☩
A player wins the game when he acquires a certain amount of Victory Points (VPs), in this case, it is 100 points. These can be gained through goals that are achieved during the game, they are called Achievements, click here for details: LIST OF ACHIEVEMENTS.

When one or more players unlocks an Achievement by voting the same decision together, only the player with the highest Voting Weight will receive the reward. The player can receive one or more Legacy Points (LPs), which can be used in future games for starting bonuses, it's not important now.

☩ What is "dieselpunk" and "1920+"? ☩
"Dieselpunk" is a genre similar to steampunk that combines the Tier 2 Industrial technology and aesthetics of the diesel-based technology of the interwar period through to the 1950s with retro-futuristic technology and postmodern sensibilities. Learn more HERE.

"World of 1920+" or just "1920+" is an alternate universe to our own, mainly an alternate Europe in the early 20th century (after the Great War) created by Polish artist Jakub Różalski. This is a place where tradition clashes with modernity, and the world is still full of secrets and blank spaces on the map. Learn more HERE.

☩ Applications ☩
Name: name your coalition/committee/alliance/corporation, use your imagination.
Supporters: you have 12 starting Supporters and must choose their jobs from the list described above.
Power Value: 2 + 1d6.
Influence Points: 10.
Reputation: 80.
Economy: $100,000.000.

Also, you can choose one starting special bonus:
• +20 Reputation.
• +4 Influence Points.
• +1 Power Value.
• +6 extra Supporters.
• +$100,000.000 for Economy.

☩ Traits ☩
Nations may gain or lose traits, which gives negative or positive modifiers. The list with the complete description of each one can be found on the link below: LIST OF TRAITS

Eventually, new traits will be added.

☩ Leaderboard ☩
1. Council of Legates - 38 VPs
2. Royal Energy Delivery Services - 22 VPs
3. Whitaker Capital - 18 VPs
4. Ottoman Empire - 8 VPs
5. Iron Cross - 5 VPs
6. Lithuanian Empire - 5 VPs

28.03.2020 - 15:53
Name: Royal Energy Delivery Services. A formerly by the crown owned company with a monopoly on the Gas and Electricity supply of the country.
Supporters: 2x Metallurgist, 2x Science Director, 3x Merchant, 2x Bureaucrat, Chemist, 2x Corporate Manager, Military Officer, 2x Governor, Medical Worker, Entertainer
Power Value: 6
Influence Points: 10
Reputation: 80
Economy: $100,000.000

Starting bonus: 6 extra Supporters
Infinctus Callidas, Decus Aeternum
28.03.2020 - 15:55
Prispeval Professor Pliny, 28.03.2020 at 15:53

Royal Energy Delivery Services.

28.03.2020 - 16:03
Name: Iron Cross. A secret military alliance formed by German Empire and its alliance. Disbanded after the war.
Supporters: 2 Governor, 1 High Priest, 2 Noble, 2 Science Director, 1 Merchant, 1 Bureaucrat, 1 Chemist, 2 Military Officer
Power Value: 7
Influence points: 14
Reputation: 80
Economy: 100 Million
Starting bonus: +4 influence points
28.03.2020 - 16:18
Prispeval Arena., 28.03.2020 at 16:03

Iron Cross.

28.03.2020 - 18:55
Name: Council of Legates - An international organisation originally formed by many disenfranchised military and civil leaders who are unhappy with the conclusion of the last great war.
Supporters: 2x Governor, 1x High Priest, 1x Noble, 1x Science Director, 2x Merchant, 1x Bureaucrat, 2x Military Officer, 1x Corporate Manager, 1x Medical Worker
Power Value: 9
Influence Points: 10
Reputation: 80
Economy: $100,000.000
Starting Bonus: +1 power value
28.03.2020 - 19:06
Prispeval The_Empirezz, 28.03.2020 at 18:55

Council of Legates


Prispeval The_Empirezz, 28.03.2020 at 18:55

Any Discordserver to join to see the rolls made and discuss things with other players?

I'm not very familiar with Discord, but there is the AtWar server. I'm using AnyDice, sadly I doesnt provides any kind of log.
28.03.2020 - 19:22
Prispeval The_Empirezz, 28.03.2020 at 18:55

Any Discordserver to join to see the rolls made and discuss things with other players?

I'm not very familiar with Discord, but there is the AtWar server. I'm using AnyDice, sadly I doesnt provides any kind of log.

I could make a discord server if preferred
Infinctus Callidas, Decus Aeternum
28.03.2020 - 21:39
29.03.2020 - 11:31
Prispeval BannedFor1Year, 29.03.2020 at 11:27

I want kingdom of ruthenia

We are following an application sheet for the players. Also, those nations described above, are nothing but peons... Players are roleplaying the "big bosses" that manipulates world politics behind the scenes.
29.03.2020 - 11:36
Name: Lithuanian empire - created by farmers and partisans of ex poland lithuanian commonwealth, the alliance name is The Second Entente. The most earnings we make from selling mechanics that we make
Supporters: 2 Metallurgist, 1 high priest, 1 noble, 3 merchant,3 chemist, 1 science doctor, 1 military officer.
Power Value: 2 + 1d6.
Influence Points: 10.
Reputation: 80.
Economy: $100,000.000.
starting bonus: $100,000.000.

29.03.2020 - 12:33
Prispeval BannedFor1Year, 29.03.2020 at 11:36

Lithuanian Empire

29.03.2020 - 15:16
Name: Ottoman empire- After the ruins of world war 1 Ismail Enver Pasha seeks to modernize the turks into a global influence. The most earning we make is from selling and transport equipment and foods and yarn.
Supporters:2x Governor 1x Science Director 1x Naval director 3x propaganda minister and moral officer 1x offer of the department of argiculutre 1x Sultan.
Influence Points: 9
Reputation: 90
Economy: $100,000.000. GDP
starting Bonus: +1 PV
29.03.2020 - 15:23
Prispeval E.KRUGER, 29.03.2020 at 15:16

Ottoman Empire

29.03.2020 - 15:37
Name: Whitaker Capital - An international investment conglomerate based in America and Britain which seeks to manipulate this region for profit, and gain valuable technological secrets. Has numerous collaborators within Europe to do so.
Supporters: 1x Governor, 1x Noble, 1x Science Director, 3x Merchant, 1x Military Officer, 3x Corporate Manager, 2x Clerk.
Power Value: 3
Influence Points: 10.
Reputation: 80.
Economy: $100,000.000.
starting bonus: $100,000.000.
29.03.2020 - 15:47
Prispeval Aetius, 29.03.2020 at 15:37

Whitaker Capital

29.03.2020 - 15:52
Aetius, sswoffels, Ad Astra, LilleHammer, The_Empirezz.

Join the Discord server ( to roll your starting Power Value. Swoffels and Empirezz will roll /r 1d6+3, all the others will roll /r 1d6+2.
29.03.2020 - 17:31
TURN 1: Voting phase (Jan./Feb. 1920)

• Map view •

Decisions for the Kingdom of Ruthenia:
[Special] A) Recognize the legitimacy of the Transamur Republic: Amur Incident. The Transamur Republic declares itself as the only government in the Far East Siberia. Admiral Aleksandr Kolchak calls for legal recognition in Vladivostok and views the socialist Rusviet Union as an enemy. YES / NO.

B) Order a topographic review of the country: The Minister of Security and the Head of Military Intelligence asks for a topographic update of the nation's lands. A group of engineers and geologists is already contacted, they are equipped with modern tools, balloons, excavators, and a field staff. YES (must pay $18,000 OR spend one Science Director) / NO.

C) Suppress unionists around the country: Rumors indicate that, in many factories around the country, groups of workers have been meeting and talking dangerously about the formation of unions sympathetic to socialism. Both the political body and the high society shows concern in this regard. YES (must pay $15,000 and spend one Military Officer; requires Stability above 50%) / NO (requires Reputation above 75).

Decisions for the Crown of Illyria:
[Unique] A) Impose migratory restrictions: Following the destruction left by the Great War, many people, mostly from the rural areas, are willing to leave the country and head to America. Two ships, full of migrants, are ready to leave Dalmatia. The Minister of External Affairs asks for migration restrictions. YES / NO.

[Unique] B) Canonization of Blessed Ivan Merz: Bestow sainthood upon Ivan Merz, an individual who led a particularly pious life, creating a new unifying symbol. YES (must spend one High Priest) / NO.

Decisions for the Commune of Crimea:
[Special] A) Recognize the legitimacy of the Transamur Republic: Amur Incident. The Transamur Republic declares itself as the only government in the Far East Siberia. Admiral Aleksandr Kolchak calls for legal recognition in Vladivostok and views the socialist Rusviet Union as an enemy. YES / NO.

[Unique] B) Start the construction of a large steel industry: The construction of a new and modern forge can boost the country's economy, manufacturing metal alloys with more speed and higher quality. YES (must pay $100,000 and spend 02 Metallurgists) / NO (must spend 03 Bureaucrats).

Decisions for the Carpathian Kingdom:
A) Support the Republican Party: A group of republicans are bribing newspapers, distributing pamphlets, pasting posters and holding marches against the current parliamentary monarchy system that runs the government. They are demanding a change of constitution to make the nation a presidential democracy. YES (must spend 01 Governor or 03 Clerks) / NO (must pay $40,000).

Decisions for the Serbian Military Junta:
[Rare] A) Start a psychoanalytical study of war veterans: The so-called "war shock" causes constant stress, phantom pain, psychosis and paranoia in approximately four thousand veterans of the Great War. The mental health scientific community wants to start an ambitious project for the treatment and recovery of these patients. It may result in an innovative neurosurgery for mental disorders. YES (must spend 01 Medical Worker and pay $12,000) / NO.

B) Compensate the harmed families: Two university students were killed by the police in a protest on the streets of the capital. The boys' families are demanding compensation from the government. YES (must pay $18,000) / NO.

C) Suppress unionists around the country: Rumors indicate that, in many factories around the country, groups of workers have been meeting and talking dangerously about the formation of unions sympathetic to socialism. Both the political body and the high society shows concern in this regard. YES (must pay $15,000 and spend one Military Officer; requires Stability above 50%) / NO (requires Reputation above 75).

Decisions for the Tsardom of Bulgaria:
[Special] A) Recognize the legitimacy of the Transamur Republic: Amur Incident. The Transamur Republic declares itself as the only government in the Far East Siberia. Admiral Aleksandr Kolchak calls for legal recognition in Vladivostok and views the socialist Rusviet Union as an enemy. YES / NO.

B) Order a topographic review of the country: The Minister of Security and the Head of Military Intelligence asks for a topographic update of the nation's lands. A group of engineers and geologists is already contacted, they are equipped with modern tools, balloons, excavators, and a field staff. YES (must pay $18,000 OR spend one Science Director) / NO.

C) Provide farming subsidies: Provides aggressive economic stimulus for positive, quantifiable impacts on food production. YES (must pay $30,000 OR spend 02 Bureaucrats) / NO.

Decisions for the Kingdom of Galicia-Lodomeria:
[Unique] A) Start archaeological project: The University of Lemberg is asking for funds to open an archaeological and historical project to consolidate the power and improve the prestige of Emperor Karl I von Habsburg, King of Austria and Bohemia. YES (must pay $25,000) / NO.

B) Start the construction of new Administrative Offices in the capital: This will modernize and improve the efficiency with which the nation's resources are managed. YES (must pay $50,000 and spend 02 Clerks) / NO (requires Reputation above 90).

!! All players will choose and adopt a nation at the end of turn 1. A nation can't be adopted my more than 3 players at the same time. Players will be able to change his adopted nation after 3 years (18 turns).
!! All players will choose a rival nation at the end of turn 1. A nation can't have more than 2 rivals at the same time. The rival nation can be changed after 2 years (12 turns).
!! The recruitment of new Supporters will be available by turn 2.
29.03.2020 - 20:36
Adopt Bulgaria
A)[Special] A) Recognize the legitimacy of the Transamur Republic YES
B) Order a topographic review of the country: 1 Science Director
C) Provide farming subsidies (pay $)

Decisions for the Crown of Illyria:
[Unique] A) Impose migratory restrictions NO
29.03.2020 - 20:51
I adopt the the Kingdom of Ruthenia

☩ Decisions for the Kingdom of Ruthenia:
[Special] A) Recognize the legitimacy of the Transamur Republic

☩ Decisions for the Serbian Military Junta:
[Rare] A) Start a psychoanalytical study of war veterans

☩ Decisions for the Commune of Crimea:
[Special] A) Recognize the legitimacy of the Transamur Republic

☩ Decisions for the Tsardom of Bulgaria
[Special] A) Recognize the legitimacy of the Transamur Republic
29.03.2020 - 20:59
Prispeval Arena., 29.03.2020 at 19:56

I adopt the Kingdom of Galicia-Lodomeria

Decisions for the Kingdom of Galicia-Lodomeria

Decisions for Kingdom of Ruthenia

30.03.2020 - 03:43
I adopt the Commune of Crimea

Decisions for the Kingdom of Ruthenia:
C) Suppress unionists around the country: YES

☩ Decisions for the Crown of Illyria:
[Unique] B) Canonization of Blessed Ivan Merz: YES

☩ Decisions for the Commune of Crimea:
[Special] A) Recognize the legitimacy of the Transamur Republic: Amur Incident: YES
[Unique] B) Start the construction of a large steel industry: YES
Infinctus Callidas, Decus Aeternum
30.03.2020 - 15:38
☩ Decisions for the Crown of Illyria:
I adopt the commune of Illyria

[Unique] A) Impose migratory restrictions: Following the destruction left by the Great War, many people, mostly from the rural areas, are willing to leave the country and head to America. Two ships, full of migrants, are ready to leave Dalmatia. The Minister of External Affairs asks for migration restrictions: YES

[Unique] B) Canonization of Blessed Ivan Merz: Bestow sainthood upon Ivan Merz, an individual who led a particularly pious life, creating a new unifying symbol. (must spend one High Priest): YES
01.04.2020 - 01:02
I adopt serbia

A) no

01.04.2020 - 01:08
Prispeval BannedFor1Year, 01.04.2020 at 01:02

I adopt serbia

A) no

Are you voting for Serbia's ABC decisions? (you can vote on any country decisions, not only the one you adopted)

If your vote on decision "C" was for Serbia. It is an invalid vote, since the Serbian Military Junta has 40% Stability and to vote "YES" for that you will need to rise Stability to at least 51%.
01.04.2020 - 02:06
Prispeval Estus, 01.04.2020 at 01:08

Prispeval BannedFor1Year, 01.04.2020 at 01:02

I adopt serbia

A) no

Are you voting for Serbia's ABC decisions? (you can vote on any country decisions, not only the one you adopted)

If your vote on decision "C" was for Serbia. It is an invalid vote, since the Serbian Military Junta has 40% Stability and to vote "YES" for that you will need to rise Stability to at least 51%.

oh sorry, how many decisions do i need to vote on?

01.04.2020 - 02:19
Prispeval BannedFor1Year, 01.04.2020 at 02:06

oh sorry, how many decisions do i need to vote on?

You can vote on four. But you can also save 1 or 2 votes for the next turn. Just remember you can vote for any decision for any nation
01.04.2020 - 11:54
TURN 1: Resolving phase (Jan./Feb. 1920)

• Map view •

Decisions resolved for the Kingdom of Ruthenia:
[Special] A) Recognize the legitimacy of the Transamur Republic:
YES: 09 (Council of Legates).
NO: 06 (Iron Cross).
Council of Legates receives +$5,000.
This decision may generate chain events in the future.
Council of Legates receives +1 VP (voted on a Special decision).
Council of Legates receives +1 VP (voted on a Special decision for your adopted nation).
Iron Cross receives +1 VP (voted on a Special decision).

C) Suppress unionists around the country:
YES: 11 (Iron Cross + R.E.D.S).
NO: 00.
Kingdom of Ruthenia gains +4% Stability.
This decision may generate chain events in the future.

Decisions resolved for the Crown of Illyria:
[Unique] A) Impose migratory restrictions:
YES: 04 (Ottoman Empire).
NO: 03 (Whitaker Capital).
Crown of Illyria loses -4% Stability.
Crown of Illyria gains the Migratory Restrictions trait.
Ottoman Empire receives +1 VP (voted on an Unique decision for your adopted nation).
Ottoman Empire receives +5 VPs (unlocked a Trait).

[Unique] B) Canonization of Blessed Ivan Merz:
YES: 09 (R.E.D.S + Ottoman Empire).
NO: 00.
Crown of Illyria gains +6% Stability.
R.E.D.S receives +1 Influence Point.

Decisions resolved for the Commune of Crimea:
[Special] A) Recognize the legitimacy of the Transamur Republic:
YES: 14 (R.E.D.S + Council of Legates).
NO: 00.
Commune of Crimea loses -2% Stability.
This decision may generate chain events in the future.
R.E.D.S receives +1 VP (voted on a Special decision for your adopted nation).

[Unique] B) Start the construction of a large steel industry:
YES: 05 (R.E.D.S).
NO: 00.
Commune of Crimea gains +2 Buildings.
Commune of Crimea gains +21 Armor Technology
Commune of Crimea gains +4 Industrialization Value.
Commune of Crimea gains +10 Industrial Capacity.
R.E.D.S receives +1 VP (voted on an Unique decision for your adopted nation).
R.E.D.S receives +2 VPs (sent Supporters to the adopted nation).
R.E.D.S receives +3 VPs (the adopted nation reached 20 IV).

Decisions resolved for the Serbian Military Junta:
[Rare] A) Start a psychoanalytical study of war veterans:
YES: 00.
NO: 13 (Council of Legates + Lithuanian Empire).
Council of Legates receives +1 Bureaucrat.
Council of Legates loses -6 Reputation.
Council of Legates receives +2 VPs (voted on a Rare decision).
Lithuanian Empire receives +2 VPs (voted on a Rare decision).
Lithuanian Empire receives +3 VPs (voted on a Rare decision for your adopted nation).

B) Compensate the harmed families:
YES: 04 (Lithuanian Empire).
NO: 00.
Lithuanian Empire gains +4 Reputation.

Decisions for the Tsardom of Bulgaria:
[Special] A) Recognize the legitimacy of the Transamur Republic:
YES: 12 (Council of Legates + Whitaker Capital).
NO: 00.
Council of Legates receives +$5,000.
This decision may generate chain events in the future.
Whitaker Capital receives +1 VP (voted on a Special decision).
Whitaker Capital receives +1 VP (voted on a Special decision for your adopted nation).

B) Order a topographic review of the country:
YES: 03 (Whitaker Capital).
NO: 00.
Tsardom of Bulgaria gains +1 Industrialization Value.
Whitaker Capital receives +2 VPs (sent Supporters to the adopted nation).

C) Provide farming subsidies:
YES: 03 (Whitaker Capital).
NO: 00.
Tsardom of Bulgaria gains +2% Stability.
Whitaker Capital receives +1 Influence Point.

Decisions for the Kingdom of Galicia-Lodomeria:
[Unique] A) Start archaeological project:
YES: 06 (Iron Cross).
NO: 00.
Iron Cross receives +5 Influence Points.
Iron Cross receives +1 VP (voted on an Unique decision for your adopted nation).

B) Start the construction of new Administrative Offices in the capital:
YES: 06 (Iron Cross).
NO: 00.
Kingdom of Galicia-Lodomeria gains +4 Buildings.
Iron Cross receives +1 Influence Points.

• Decisions for the NEXT TURN development:
Players must vote for all decisions.

A) Would you like to add more events next turn? Vote YES for 4-9 new events. Vote NO for only 1-4 new events. And ABSTAIN for 1-12 new events:

B) Prevent all players from recruiting new Supporters next turn:

C) One random player loses $10,000:

D) One random player loses 1 Influence Point:

E) One random player loses 2 Reputation:

!! Don't forget to check the PLAYER LIST for latest updates.
01.04.2020 - 12:20
A) Would you like to add more events next turn?
B) Prevent all players from recruiting new Supporters next turn:
C) One random player loses $10,000:
D) One random player loses 1 Influence Point:
E) One random player loses 2 Reputation:
01.04.2020 - 14:26
A) Would you like to add more events next turn? Vote YES for 4-9 new events. Vote NO for only 1-4 new events. And ABSTAIN for 1-12 new events:
B) Prevent all players from recruiting new Supporters next turn:

C) One random player loses $10,000:

D) One random player loses 1 Influence Point:

E) One random player loses 2 Reputation:

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